Jun 17, 2011 05:08
So, i think it's pretty well established that a few months ago, I was a complete hot mess, right?
Well, I had some major triggers. Primarily, fiscal issues and court issues. Now, these were hand in hand - I was stressed about money due to the fact that it was all going to court shit.
One great thing about me being in jail - my last month was 'pay or stay'. This means I was doing time in exchange for my fines. As an end result, not only was my probation terminated, but my court costs disappeared.
I've normally been pretty good when it comes to keeping my addictions out of my house, with the exception of smoking pot. I'm not quite sure why, but anything beyond that seems to be disrespectful to my dad.
Anyways, on to my main point. Due to the fact that I tend to overdue it at work, rather than at home, I've quite understandably been nervous about returning. Tuesday was my first day back, and I made about $130. A respectable amount for a slow day. However, tonight was my real test, being towards the weekend and all. You know what? I'm really damn proud of myself. Did I drink? Yes. However, I kept it under control - I now carry a portable breathalyzer, and I totally was periodically checking my BAC. Not only that, but I got there early (again), which gave me more time to make money.
The end result? I didn't get fucked up, and as a result made damn near $600.
*dances around happily*
It's even better knowing that I have people at work watching out for me. Between that and all you guys, I feel really good - I've got a support system that I don't want to let down. ^_^ Love y'all!
i amuse myself,
i love you all,
happy happy day