[Food Diary] Mon., May 18th 2009

May 18, 2009 21:29

Date: 18 May 2009

Out of bed

10.30 am
123.2 kg


Time: 11.00 am.
Céréales Spécial K Chocolat Noir - 50 gr - 199.5 Kcals
Lait de vache, partiellement écrémé, 2% m.g. - 100 gr - 50 Kcals
Beverage: Water + lemon juice


Time: 1.35 pm to 2.00, at home
Cote de porc - 170 gr - 561 Kcals
Riz Basmati Lidl - 250 gr - 380 Kcals, but I didn't manage to eat all my rice. ^^;; Only about half of it.
Beverage: Water with lemon juice


Time: 5.00 pm , at my parents home
Tartine craquantes Rivercote Lidl - 24 gr - 87.84 Kcals
Beurre demi-sel Planta Fin - 20 gr - 108 Kcals
Beverage: Coca Cola - 250 gr - 110 Kcals


Time: 8.50 pm to 9.10 pm at home
Escalope de porc - 109 gr - 316.1 Kcals
Moutarde - 10 gr - 9.7 Kcals
Beverage: Water


9.45 pm

How was the day?
*** Perfect! I didn't sleep that much, but after breakfast (and particularly the water with lemon juice), I was good. Since I was up early, I did lots of cleaning in my appartment for more than an hour! Then I took advantage of the fact that my parents weren't home and used their Wii Fit for half an hour! Then I went to pick up my sister at school, on foot! And after coming back to my appartment, I walked another 25 mins on my Treadmills! ^______^
I'm so proud of myself!

Sports, pills, others

- 12.00 am: Cleaning/Faire le ménage - 60 mins - 443.52 Kcals
- 4.00 pm: Aerobics: low impact/Wii Fit - 34 mins - 418.88 Kcals
- 7.30 pm: Walk on Treadmills/Marcher lentement (3 km / heure) - 25 mins - 154 Kcals
- 4.30 pm: Walk slowly/Marcher lentement (3 km / heure) - 8 mins - 49.28 Kcals

- 8.00 pm to 8.30 pm: Bath, with Yon Ka's Phyto-Aromatique product.
- 50cl of water with lemon juice.

Food: + 1822.1 Kcals
Sport: - 1065.7 Kcals

food diary, weight

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