Late update; Rant; Time; Disclaimer

Apr 12, 2004 13:37

So, yes, this is a little bit late in coming...

I wonder if I post more than once, if anyone would notice the times... May be...

So, yes, this is going do a fine job of "non linear story telling".
[Any one tell me the Malcolm in the Middle episode this references?]

Now, if you go to Ryman's in Cambridge, you can find a box labelled as a "Really useful box". Forgive my cynicism, but is this not judgemental? How do they know this box will be really useful? It struck me as being a bit small, I have to say, Surely we all have different ideas of what the ideal box should be? I mean, I don't expect the general box to achieve platonic perfection, but still a decent size!

My disclaimer - people looking at my friends page - I have no responsibility for their journals, points of views, or indeed actions....

Apparently I have another 1hr 21min 13 secs before I can watch Chrno Crusade 18. This is just mockery! True mockery. Given the last one took about 5 hrs to download and was subbed in French, this had better be in English. I've seen the graphics and now I want to know the words... must know words... Or learn French. This seems less likely to happen.

Work: Numerical Analysis 2 - not as bad as it sounds - quite do-able really. Learning proofs for the exam could be fun..
Hair: Failed attempt at spikes
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