Jul 17, 2006 19:43
i guess God wanted me to have the experience of not only coming to know and love these Samali-Bantu children, but actually feel the African heat! It's the total sensory experience... i must say, it's exhausting. They are so cute, though. One little girl named Jeanette waited after play practice today to shyly give me this folded piece of paper, all taped up. When i opened it she was so proud. It was a picture of little people with wings, and the wings had strings, like a puppet. On the top it said "If I had the wings of a dove". She said "that's my best song. It's for you." I thought, "THIS is why I do this job" Her teacher then proceeded to tell me that she had to correct her when she was writing her words, because she thought it was "If I had the wings of a DUCK" How adorable is that?
Today my mom had her cardiolite stress test. The results are that she has decreased blood flow to the bottom chambers of her heart, so tomorrow she has to have blood work done, and Wednesday a heart catheterization for further diagnosis. Then we'll know whether she need open heart surgery or another kind of procedure. She says she doesn't want anything invasive. So we'll see. Jo, thank you for being there for me yesterday when i was feeling down.... You are the best Jo ever. Please do keep us in your prayers.
And i have to say right now that i LOVE having Micaela home...Just knowing she's there makes me feel....held. It's nice.
Talked to Jeremy today. He's in Philly tonite with the band (on tour). He sounded good. I'm actually gonna be driving his car around for a day or two, since mine is in the shop:-( ...stupid broken stuff...
I'm tired, so i'm gonna veg for a while and watch TV. bye and love to all