Uggh some people are so cunty and not in a good way.

Apr 27, 2012 00:17

No really, sometimes I seriously question why Steve’s friends are such asses. That sounds horrible but I’m completely srs. Like they’re all so rude to me a lot of the time. I did consider at first that I’m like the common denominator but I’ve honestly done nothing legit that I can think of to provoke such assholishness from them. I’ve definitely lost my cool at most of them on countless occasions but that’s honestly just because most of them speak without thinking first and y’know I don’t have patience for that shit.

I’m not getting into the technical of why they all piss me off individually because I’m pretty sure they’ve all been mentioned on here at least once. But I am going to talk about tonight’s lovely ball of fuckery cause Mitch isn’t awake to bitch to and I’m fucking pissed. K.

Steve’s friend Heather came over tonight and I was cool with that when I found out because she’s tolerable most of the time. We’ve had our past and sometimes she says slightly ignorant things but I know it’s just blah, whatever, sort of thing. However I was not aware she was bringing her fucking hobo dick of a son with her. Oop, that sounds harsh but I have reason to hate the fucker okay.

He fucking outed me against my will before I had even figured out what my sexuality was or what it meant. That shit is inhumane and intolerable as far as I’m concerned. It’s not just morally sickening but it’s also dangerous if he opened his fat trap to the wrong person.

He’s also sexually harassed about three of my underage girl friends… he’s just a sick fucker I don’t think I need to go on.

Of course everyone makes excuses for him because he has Asperger’s and whatever that’s fine but that’s not an excuse to act like an animal.

As much as I can’t be around him without feeling like punching kittens I didn’t feel unsafe because Steve and his mum were around. I’d never be alone with him though, no way.

I wasn’t even aware he was coming too tho. His mum came in and then about ten minutes later I found out he was out in the car and was about to come in. I then proceeded to freak the fuck out to Mitch over Skype.

Anyway fast forward about 20 minutes he went out to the kitchen with Steve and his mum after we exchanged awkward hellos and I decided to watch my SHINee First Concert Live in Tokyo DVD or whatever. Not even to stir any shit I just wanted to watch it. Of course people can never leave something alone if they think it’s different and it threatens their comfortable rut so he just had to come in and voice his superior white straight male opinion. Oh it’s weird, they’re gay (as in bad) not an actual dig at their sexual orientation (logic), they don’t make any money (ha ha ha HAHAHA), they’re going to flop soon, Japan isn’t the second biggest music industry in the World (srsly why do people open their mouths without doing research first… I do not understand), how the Australian music industry is so gr8 and doing so well (once again… HAHAHAHAHA) etc, etc, etc *insert a whole lot of other hella offensive shit here*.

But for some reason the thing that offended me the most was he actually tried to come off as if he knew more about Asia than I do. Yup… that’s a great joke.

Honestly this isn’t even just about him and his gross stupidity this is kind of just a general observation about how violently some westerners reject Asian pop when they find out about it. They’ll do anything to make it sound like this huge horrible thing coming to ruin the sanctity of mainstream pop music but then in the same breath basically say it’s a blip on the radar screen. Look I’m not one of these pretentious Asian pop fans who likes to pretend the industry and everything that comes from it is solid gold but I really don’t think it’s as bad as some people make it out to be.

I just feel like it’s easier to ignore something you don’t like than to make this huge thing out of it. Probably totally contradicting myself there with this whole post but whatever.

I just hate arrogant people idk.

Srsly considering the possibility that me and Mitch are cursed tho tbh. Like forreal. I was talking to him last night about one of Steve’s other horrid friends and I made an off the cuff comment about her getting hurt and getting a taste of her own medicine or whatever and then her ex-husband turned up and beat her up a day later no joke. We also talked about my family or whatever and gross hobo guy came up and sure enough he comes over tonight. We need to isolate ourselves on an island somewhere to avoid this from happening again tbqh.

Whatever I’m going to watch America’s Next Top Model and hopefully that’ll make me feel better. Even though it’s basically become the fakest shit ever recently it’s still entertaining for some reason. Also Sheena sort of looks like my Korean dentist lady tbh.

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