Potentially triggering post ahead I guess?

Apr 20, 2012 15:39

I’d like to think I don’t lose my shit very often? But oh lawd did I fall apart last night. Considering what spurred it was quite small in hindsight I probably shouldn’t have reacted as violently as I did. But of course I only think of these things when the situation is over and done with.

Steve took a trip out with our family friend Jimmy to pick up our new fridge which I wasn’t even aware we were getting tbqh. It’s a V energy drink fridge, which is basically one of those fridges that hold drinks in convenience stores. If anything it’s cool… but only for that.

Anyway when they got home Jimmy made me baby sit his puppy Bella while him and Steve singlehandedly ruined my life by bringing this fucking fridge in.
As soon as it was in and they turned it on I knew it’d be a problem. It’s fan forced and loud as all fuq and not even the kind of loud that switches off and or dies down after a while. No, just continuously loud.

I can’t sleep with even the slightest noise running in the background, I just can’t. So I knew it wasn’t going to work. I tried to tell Steve this and he kind of lost it, like he always does and then I lost it. I then proceeded to sit in my room and sob while snapping a rubber band really hard on my wrist. Luckily the marks and redness are nearly all gone now. But oh my God, I’ve forgotten how red my eyes get when I really cry. Well anyway, me and Steve made up and he brought me dinner. Can’t say I’m feeling 100% this morning tho.

Going to have to suck it up and do some homework anyway though unfortunately.

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