Feb 22, 2006 02:32
I have had many things in the past few days to say right here which I was too lazy to say here. But I think I'm coming around to the point of saying more and more.
The only memory I have left is that of reading John Taylor Gatto's "Dumbing Us Down," a series of essays attacking public compulsory education, and feeling genuinely mad for a second. Mad about having been deprived of a childhood, of having been content with jumping through all the glorious and to a point meaningless hoops for twelve long years. Why did it have to be that long? Why did it have to be me?
I sent out four important emails to four important-type people, kind of asking about / creating a future for me in music. None had answered, oh wait, one has but it was caught by my spam filter.
Guess what? In the recent past, like the last twenty years or so, I have been extremely unable to remember but the smallest details from my dreams. Well now I can. Have been able to for at least a month, most noticeably and perhaps related in cause to naps which I take after I'm done with the heavy sleeping but not yet ready to arise. I am often partially conscious, to the point that I explain some of the dreams to myself while experiencing them. I can sometimes willfully affect them.
I just awoke from a session like this, after wanting it to happen, and promptly wrote down all I could remember in a little book. Longer in text than in memory. The three small pages I scribbled are the tip of the iceberg! I'm not sure whether I will post them here. But I will write them down.