Player Information
Name: Robyn
Personal Journal:
robyn_bocoContact Info: AIM: rainbows raver
Email: naitumea at gmail dot com
Other Characters: none
Character Information
Name: Carly Nagisa
Source Canon: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds
Age: ~23 (canon has yet to state, but considering she has a full time job in journalism, I think this is a fair estimation)
Role In Canon:
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From what the god has promised her-allowing Carly to bring Jack back from the dead as the King of Hell-Carly believes that she's been promised to become the Queen of Hell. To get that, she's turned Machiavellian. Carly has no issue with murdering hundreds-or even thousands-of people to achieve what she wants. She's unafraid of saying terrible things or doing terrible things to people because she's automatically better than you. She's openly evil in the series-and this is a bit of head canon-but it wouldn't be a surprise if she was cunning enough to “pretend” to be the Carly she once was to win over the hearts and minds of her peers, only to backstab them in the end. And don't get her started on what she'd do if anyone betrayed her or screwed her over. Carly summoned a god to send her murderer plummeting to his death too bad he survived; she'd have no problem making sure that she got her absolute revenge.
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