Mar 28, 2004 07:27
At my cousin's house and its like..7 in the morning. We're going hiking in an hour or Thinking is bad, i don't know how many times i've said that but its almost ever post. Thinking sucks ass. Whale once said "Why do people keep letting something that doesn't exist hurt them" and my arguement is, if its able to hurt you, to bring forth pain, it fucking exists. Pain is reality and knowing something is hurting you makes it exist. And also, some people believe that the pain they feel from searching will be worth it when they are able to embrace and have it. I don't know what i'm talking about anymore -.-'
Blah...just..BLAH. Going to iHOP after hiking so eh. My aunt thinks i have some kind of disease that makes me eat so much...*shrug* i don't eat that much :\
Bleh. Need something to take my mind away so i don't need to think.