Customizing: David Tennant figure in white Navy uniform from "Much Ado about Nothing"

Feb 04, 2012 21:35

Remember the David Tennant as Hamlet figure I did a year ago? I have done another one.
Here he is in his white Navy uniform from the theatre play "Much Ado about Nothing", I saw this live in London.

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london, action figures - doctor who, customizing, david tennant

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dieastra February 11 2012, 23:34:58 UTC
Oh, thank you very much for letting me know about that site! I hadn't known I was featured there. Awesome. And I even have a comment there. How can I answer it? If I leave a reply, will the person that did the previous comment see it, like in Facebook? And is there any way I can contact that Lady Dragonsinger? Because my name is spelled wrong, there is an a missing in dieastra ;)

Sorry to hear about your back, but yeah, when ill it's best to watch TV. I once had a very stiff neck and was home for a week - at the same time they started with "MacGyver" again in the TV which I had watched years before but never from start to finish. So I watched it and after a week I was so hooked again that from that on every day I taped it and watched it - for the next three months.

I really must watch Love and Monsters again - haven't done so since I first saw it years ago. I didn't like it much then (lack of The Doctor) but I wonder how I will see it now. Since you are the second person telling me it is her favourite episode, while almost everyone says it is the worst ever. Interesting.

In the second season I liked most Girl in the Fireplace - I think this was the first time I overcame my "who's that Tennant guy, I want my Christopher Eccleston back" and he really touched and moved me.


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dieastra February 12 2012, 00:33:25 UTC
No worries, immediatedly after I wrote this comment I got an LJ message from her where she apologized for not contacting me sooner. So I'm sure I would have heard about it even if you hadn't found it first.

(something similar happened a few years ago, when President Obama visited my home-city no less, and I went into town with my Obama action figure, and was photographed by a lot of people. One of my American friends found me at this democracy board which I otherwise never would have known. Scroll down a bit to see my picture: )

When I commented at geekcrafts, I also put my LJ URL into the website field, and now my name is linked with it, but there is nothing linked for the name of Erin. Ah well, if she really wants the answer to her question, I'm sure she is checking the comments.

I liked the outsider looking into Doctor Who in that episode as well, but I thought some of the people were very weird and therefore not really funny for me. And the end with the face in the stone... hm ;)

Not sure if you know this, but the monster of this episode was the winner of a children drawing contest.

There is an episode in season 3 which is also Doctor-lite (they had to do those for time and money restrictions) but there I don't mind at all, as it is really wonderful and everyone agrees that it is one of the best ever.

I wonder what you will say about that one, then - let me know when you have seen it!


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dieastra February 14 2012, 09:14:51 UTC
Human Nature/Family of Blood is another episode where everyone agrees that it is one of the best ever, and which also gets shown to friends to convert them to fans ;)

It's also the one where I told you which made me finally appreciate David Tennant as an actor. Before, I was not really convinced by this hyperactive bouncy Tenth Doctor, because I had liked the more dark Nine. Then came the day when my friend came back from London and had bought the Impossible Journal (you can buy that as merchandising). When she showed it to me I did not recognize it as I had not seen the episode yet. So we watched it on her big flat screen TV which I still blame being responsible for me turning into a fan ;) (at the time I still had an old TV)

But no, it was the lovely English Gentleman David played there in the beginning, so different from his Doctor, and I could not help falling in love with him. And the end, when he had to throw away this life to become the Doctor again - heartbreaking.

BTW, when we were in Cardiff, we also visited the Museum of Welsh life in St. Fagans, this is an open air museum with lots of Welsh buildings in a park, and that's where these episodes were shot. Please have a look here and here at my pictures, I'm sure you will recognize the places!

However, that Doctor-lite episode I mentioned is called "Blink" and will follow soon, I think. Make sure to watch it at Midnight with the lights out ;)


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dieastra February 14 2012, 20:51:10 UTC
I remember feeling very sorry for the Tenth Doctor at the end of "Girl in the Fireplace", so maybe that was already where my armour was cracking ;) I guess I was just sulking and not open minded. When I started to watch Doctor Who, I had no idea about the whole regeneration thing and that it is usual to have a new actor now and then. When Matt Smith came around, I was much more relaxed, knowing I might not like him right away, but that there will come the day, and it has. Although I was thinking I never would buy any action figures of him - well, if I look into my box, that didn't take long either LOL

I liked Martha right from the beginning in that hospital.

I can see why you don't want to leave the Tenth Doctor - in fact, I am in a re-watching mode myself at the moment. I have read the book by Russel T. Davis which is called "The writer's tale" and there you get a lot of background infos for seasons 4 and the specials, and so I watched those episodes while I read about them.

I'm sure once you have started with Torchwood, you will want to continue with it in one go also. A friend of mine just watches it for the first time as well. She almost had stopped after the fifth episode, but now is happy she continued, as the really good episodes come at the end of season 1.

Hu, coming over here without a plane might prove to be difficult! By ship? That takes weeks!

You have never flown? What exactly is it that frightens you? I can assure you it really is no big deal. If you are afraid of getting sick - it is not more trouble than going up or down in an elevator (in fact, my stomach is more upset in those, when they go fast). Or are you afraid of crashing? Maybe you can see it like this: John Barrowman also does not like to fly and yet he has to do (and does) it often. He once wrote an article for a newspaper about his experiences on board - that people ask HIM to hold their hand while he rather would have one holding his ;) If you want to read it, go here:

I really like how honest and open he is all the time.

I'm wondering if you maybe could try it out once with a short flight, only one hour or so, to the next city? And see how it goes?


dieastra February 14 2012, 21:23:04 UTC
I remember feeling very sorry for the Tenth Doctor at the end of "Girl in the Fireplace", so maybe that was already where my armour was cracking ;) I guess I was just sulking and not open minded. When I started to watch Doctor Who, I had no idea about the whole regeneration thing and that it is usual to have a new actor now and then. When Matt Smith came around, I was much more relaxed, knowing I might not like him right away, but that there will come the day, and it has. Although I was thinking I never would buy any action figures of him - well, if I look into my box, that didn't take long either LOL

I liked Martha right from the beginning in that hospital.

I can see why you don't want to leave the Tenth Doctor - in fact, I am in a re-watching mode myself at the moment. I have read the book by Russel T. Davis which is called "The writer's tale" and there you get a lot of background infos for seasons 4 and the specials, and so I watched those episodes while I read about them.

I'm sure once you have started with Torchwood, you will want to continue with it in one go also. A friend of mine just watches it for the first time as well. She almost had stopped after the fifth episode, but now is happy she continued, as the really good episodes come at the end of season 1.

Hu, coming over here without a plane might prove to be difficult! By ship? That takes weeks!

You have never flown? What exactly is it that frightens you? I can assure you it really is no big deal. If you are afraid of getting sick - it is not more trouble than going up or down in an elevator (in fact, my stomach is more upset in those, when they go fast). Or are you afraid of crashing? Maybe you can see it like this: John Barrowman also does not like to fly and yet he has to do (and does) it often. He once wrote an article for a newspaper about his experiences on board - that people ask HIM to hold their hand while he rather would have one holding his ;) If you want to read it, go here:

I really like how honest and open he is all the time.

I'm wondering if you maybe could try it out once with a short flight, only one hour or so, to the next city? And see how it goes?


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dieastra February 14 2012, 21:43:42 UTC
Well, I'm the opposite. I never learnt to swim, and after hearing everything that happened at that cruise ship in Italia, nobody will get me onto a ship! I mean really, in our modern times, such things are not necessary! What was the Captain thinking? *shakes head*

There was a time when I would have loved to be crashed on an island and live in the wilderness... although not with a smoke monster.

Yes, I absolutely can relate to the TSA thing. Lots of people I know are not doing holidays in the US anymore because of all the trouble it takes (did they actually follow through with that we have to pay 10 Dollar "entrance fee"? No idea)

As for the two seats, that is a serious concern, as the space sometimes IS tiny (depends between airlines and planes). I expect though that they might change that one day, as you are surely not the only one having that problem, and wouldn't that be discrimination? You just need someone starting a fight.

But if you ever sail into Germany, let me know!


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dieastra February 14 2012, 22:12:06 UTC
I make a certain distinction between the leaders/politics of a country and the people that live in it. I should know, being from (former) Eastern Germany. I know many people from all over the world, all kind of countries and so far we get along pretty well!

I am really sad of all the mistrust and information collecting going on at the moment. I can understand why it is necessary, but I really hope there will come a day when we don't need it anymore. I recently read an interesting article how it was like before 9/11... sounds like a fairy tale!

I hadn't heard about that Kevin Smith story. That is really rude. Did he sue them or anything?
Although I admit that I felt a bit uncomfortable having someone's thigh pressed against mine during the whole John Barrowman concert last year in Cardiff - but it was not her fault that they had put the seats so close to each other! (they were connected so you could not move them an inch, it were only folded chairs in a sports arena).

Aside from that you should try to lose weight anyway, just for your own good. A few pounds can make a difference for example for your knees who have to carry you all day long, and maybe your back will thank you, too. But I absolutely understand that it is easier said than done and hard to break habits. Plus I am suspect of all kind of diets, as they not help in the long term. Have you heard about that "wait for 5 hours between meals" though? That's the first thing that sounds reasonable to me.


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dieastra February 15 2012, 20:39:58 UTC
Isn't the episode where Donna again finds the Doctor awesome? The way she mimes through the glass and then gets found out the the bad woman? I LOLed so much! And I think the Adipose are cute ;)


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dieastra February 16 2012, 21:32:10 UTC
If pressed to choose, I also would choose Donna as my favourite companion. It was so great to see Catherine Tate and David Tennant together at stage - they have great chemistry together.

I like Utopia, the first of the three parter, but the other two not so much. Although some scenes are nice. Wish there was more Jack, but of course he is only a companion here. If you keep your eyes open in Torchwood, in one episode you will see "Vote Saxon" posters...

The books are quite good, but sometimes I think they lack a bit of - not sure what, but they are written for a younger audience after all.

I just thought - you also might want to look through my Doctor Who action figure stories again - I'm sure you will recognize some things from the episodes now! Look, I did "Journey's End" for example:


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