London, June 2011 - Stagedoor picspam - David Tennant & Catherine Tate in "Much Ado About Nothing"

Jun 28, 2011 23:36

Hi! I'm back home from London (came back on Sunday already) and want to share some pictures and stories. For those that don't know - I was there to see David Tennant and Catherine Tate, both actors from "Doctor Who", live on stage in Shakespeare's "Much ado about nothing". It was very funny! It's still on till September, so when you are in the neighbourhood - go! You won't regret it. This post will have no spoilers, only pictures from the theatre and the stage door. Enjoy!

Important things first - that's me and "Awwww, David...." (please ignore these frequent sighs coming from me and also the bad hairstyle, after a day walking around in London you look not so fresh anymore) - and there are many more pictures and explanations under the cut beyond the picture, as always.

This was the second picture, the first version is a bit blurred because of people who were pushing from behind at this moment:

The Wyndham's Theatre from the outside - David's and Catherine's name in big letters! The theatre is located right at the Leicester Square tube station, and after the third day even I was able to find the way from our hostel to there - it became my second home during our stay ;)

The inside, isn't it lovely?

After that picture they told me photographing was not allowed - well, I hadn't planned to do it during the play! But I stopped anyway.

We watched the play on Thursday, 23th June, and went to the stage door afterwards. Here is a picture, but of course it was too late to join the autograph lines.

So we came back on Friday, this time an hour early, but I only got a free spot right at the start of the line. Luckily there was a roof as it was raining that evening. Here are Catherine and David signing my programme:

And a few more pictures, shot by my friend. The guy on the right is Steve, by the way, we became good friends with him over the days ; )

Can you see me? *points*

Then we saw that some girls got even pictures, so of course we also wanted one ; )

On Saturday morning, we went to the theatre at 10 AM, there you could get tickets for a lottery. At 10.30 a guy was choosing twenty numbers, and if you were lucky, you could buy a return ticket for only 10 pounds! From our group of four people, three were lucky, the fourth then bought a standing seat, which also is only 16 pounds (the original tickets we had bought online for the stalls were 61 pounds)

There was a lot of squeeing from the people who got lucky, and we had a fun time. There was even a woman who had come from Australia that same morning - without a prebooked ticket!

After visiting Canary Wharf and Shakespeare's Globe, we came back for the matinee on Saturday afternoon, this time one and a half hour early. Which was not so bad as I had bought the script and so had time to read it, to understand the Shakespeare English better the second time around.

And that's where I got my picture with David. Plus autographs into the script. Which I can recommend, by the way, as it also has interviews with the actors and the director and even a diary from the rehearsals, very funny.

Here one more pictures from that afternoon - to think that in one and a half hour they have to go back and do the whole play all over again, must be exhausting, but still they are happily signing autographs:

In the evening, after our play had ended, we went back again, but this time asked all the other actors who mostly slipped out of the door unnoticed. So here is my collection of the other signs:

And before you ask - yes, we also did visit a few other London sights, but I wanted to get those pictures out to you first. More will come in time. Watch this space!
To be continued

catherine tate, david tennant, london 2011

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