Picspam: Normal shelf decoration

Jul 22, 2016 11:58

I'm always showing off the special Christmas and Easter and Fall decorations, but I thought you might want to see what it normally looks like! All kind of collectibles from all over the world.

See more pics behind the LJ cut! And for those who don't know the other ones, here are previous decoration picture posts. Some of the Christmas items are the same each year, but I am not going into detail every time again and highlight the new stuff:

Easter Decoration 2016

Christmas Decoration 2015

Fall 2015

Easter Decoration 2015

Christmas Decoration 2014

Christmas Decoration 2011

The African shelf. All kind of wooden animals and figures, some of them Authentic (got them from an online shop). The camel is actually done from leather but looks like wood. The gorilla in the back is plastic and was a model you had to paint yourself.

Stuff from my America trip. A movie clap, an Oscar fridge magnet, Siegfried & Roy White tigers. The big bison was a gift from my mother, as was the small one. It was actually waiting for me when I came back, with a sign that said "Hello male cat, I am a new cow" which they had pierced together from a dictionary. It was so cute ;)

At the left is a Saxon post milestone, made from original Saxon sandstone. Some of them are still standing at places, telling people how many hours it is by stagecoach to the next city. I don't remember if I bought the Bremen town musicants while in Bremen or whether they just were a gift from my mother, but I distinctly remember being in a shop in Bremen, marvelling at them and the show owner laughing and saying that they are actually coming from my home. Saxony is where they do all those amating wooden figures, for Christmas and other decorations. She probably recognized my dialect, we are in the South and Bremen is up North almost at the coast.

The little easil shows a picture of our nice Saxon Switzerland landscape.

Now I've never been to New York but one day browsing ebay I still bought souvenirs. I thought the Statue of Liberty would come in handy with the figures one day, and that subway train is most awesome. I should make a video. If you push the button, the lights will come one, and it will make driving noice, and if you push a different button you hear a speaker's announcement and you also can open and close the doors. I HAD to have that!

Next to it you see the Crocodile Rock and Lion Rock at the Isle of Cumbrae which we visited one year on a day trip from Glasgow. The isle has become famous through the "Hollow Earth" trilogy books written by John and Carole E. Barrowman that are set there. I even once made action figure pictures with them here
And some small Roman buildings from my trip to the Archeology Park in Xanten where they excavate original Roman stuff - more pics of that here

And in the background we have the red letter box and phone box and Big Ben with a real clock from my first London trip.

The front has a typical half-timbered house like they exist in parts of Saxony. Half of it was for living in, the other for the weaving loom. The two parts of the houses were slightly seperated so the noice and tremor could not be felt as much.
The desk at the right side is from a trip to Bavaria, visiting a friend. There was one of those shops that have so many cute things you want to buy them all, and I was coming back and back again to this desk until I realized if I am not buying it I will regret it forever. The lid can be taken off, it is a box actually.

I love also the white paper London silhouette:

london, dresden, picspam, souvenirs

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