i had a little bird. its name was Enza. i opened the window, and in-flew-enza.

Apr 27, 2009 18:23

Ohhh noooo.

History Channel, your Last Days on Earth special had better not be true.

This girl in my 1st block, bless her heart, is the most clueless and immodest child on Earth. She does not do a thing when she fucking sneezes. I'll give her no credit for covering her mouth with both hands because she does not go and sanitize herself, she just goes on with what she was doing with those disgusting hands! UGH.
I'm not wasting my precious hand sanitizer on her, and I'm not having anymore of her disgusting sneezes right next to me either, no matter how much of an asshole I seem by making a big deal out of it.

Y'know, they said we're overdue for an earthquake, too.

Although, I'm still scared.
Can't wait what Colbert has to say about this. :D

Also, saw The Soloist yesterday.... eh. I give it, overall, a C+/B-. Robert Dreamboat Junior, however, A++++++[x100]. I'm skipping out on some major drama with Jo over the weekend. Might make it a private post just to not bother y'all with silly teen relationship shiz.

Math STAR test tomorrow. Don't care much but *fingers crossed* anyway. These are like SAT tests except not NEARLY as important [to the individual].

dramz, media, animals, faire, out of the ordinary, movies, hypochondriac

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