Dec 11, 2003 13:34
San Francisco is fun to webswing through, more than my cloned memories of what swinging through New York ever was.
Think people are starting to notice me, enough that I caught a front page piece in the Chronicle about whether or not Spiderman had setup shop in the Bay Area, counter opinion that maybe that 2nd Spiderman that popped up in Manhattan had actually moved here. Kinda wonder what happened to the Scarlet Spider but it's not like I'm in the know. Spidey doesn't even know about me...though if the news has its way he will soon enough.
High arc, brief somersault, land on the underside of a ledge and just take in the view. It's been raining pretty heavy the last couple of days but it's really clear today. Kind of chilly but not so much, my usual method of travel generates a fair amount of heat. Though, should consider further alterations in my costuming. Can't figure why Spidey largely stuck to the original suit, it may not snow here in the Bay but it sure does in NY, you'd think a heavier snow suit would've been a good idea.
Wonder if my even considering this shows I'm growing as an individual or that some of the Jackyl's programming and methodical nature are still showing traces.
Still can't get that brief buzz I got the other day out of my head. It was very brief but fairly intense, like the light feeling you get just before you get seriously sick. Not that it was a sickening feeling but it did feel like something I should keep in mind. Kinda luck that comes with my genes let's me know that whatever it was, I'll probably come across it again.
That and I wonder if whatever it was noticed me.
I hate unknown variables...
Been getting itchy lately for something to do. Restoring my place has occupied a fair amount of time, stopping the occasional mugging, a couple rapes, and foiling one bank robbery have been nice too but I'm still wanting something more. Think that damned "power & responsibility" thing is getting to me, some guilt about keeping drug money. Don't get the wrong idea, I didn't keep any of the funds borrowed by the robbers; I like my appropriated funds to have a bit more travel time through the criminal system first. Not my money till it becomes "blood money".
Still kinda want to get a job. I don't really need one for the extra money I've been getting through the criminal enterprises I frequent but I just need something to do. Can't get it out of my head but to do it I'd have to develop more of a civilian identity. Lady I bought the house from wasn't too concerned with my name so much as the money we haggled over. I've got another week or so before I have to file official papers on the matter so I've really been putting off nailing down a specific name. Guess I'm going to have to get over that.
Maybe something germanic...