I'm having a thought... spoilers for ep 22 behind the cut.
During Whatever the Case May Be, when Kate revealed that she killed the man she loved, my first impression was that he died through some action of Kate's, but that she didn't directly or intentionally kill him. Instead, she just blames herself for what happened. This seems consistent with other things we know about Kate: she saved the farmer's life, even though it cost her her freedom; she made sure of not killing anyone in the bank, to the point of shooting her fellow robbers to prevent the bank manager from getting it; she didn't kill the Marshal when she had the chance.
Put this together with some
new spoiler info about her next episode, Born to Run:
Depending upon what hits the cutting room floor, a flashback scene in ABC's new TV series, "Lost," may show the Daily Iowegian being read in a hospital scene.
According to Michelle Coleman, Art Department coordinator for the show, filming of the scene will take place Wednesday. She requested newspapers from 2000 to 2001 for a shot in which a police guard will be reading the Daily Iowegian.
Centerville's newspaper was chosen, Coleman said, because its name places it in Iowa, the home state of one of the characters, Kate
The script has Kate, sneaking past a police guard (reading the Daily Iowegian) into a hospital room.
My guess? The person in the hospital room is the man she loved. Either 1) she wanted to see him one last time, maybe to explain herself, tell him things she wanted him to know in case he didn't make it, whatever, I don't know... or 2) she wanted to end his suffering because she knew he wouldn't make it, or he requested it, or something.
Now. Jack. We know his next episode is number 20. He'll be having his third flashback, which
may or may not be his last one. Kate's episode occurs AFTER this, on episode 22. Suppose in Kate's ep Jack is injured through Kate's actions and is unable to survive, and/or she decides to end his suffering. It would be a great tie-in with her flashback, if any of my guesses about her are correct.
What say you?