Oct 07, 2007 17:16
this is from an entry on my old myspace blog that was about a weekend that was awesome. ending up having mixed and eventually stupid feels for someone that weekend, but it was an awesome weekend. heres a favorite clip of the post:
"do your best not to get too frustrated, though you will. try to love as much as possible, though at times it will be hard. breathe...take in every moment. and above all else, love. and in a way i hate saying that because its so dumb and cliche, but i mean it in this: love life. love the morning sky. love the damp air. love the green grass. love the people who are in your life for a reason. love your experiences, through good and bad.
and this:
LOVE FREELY, WITHOUT REGET. give without a thought of receiving anything in return"
and also:
"i've decided: the worst fear you can have is the fear of love. and the worst thing you can do in all the world is hate. and the most wretched way to be is to not be willing to give yourself away."