Tattoos and Wax figures

Jan 28, 2011 23:11

Well a certain conversation about matching tattoos led me to go looking for any Antoinette related ones, and I'm surprised how many I found. I'm also throwing in some pictures of wax figures just for the lulz.

This was supposedly made from her death mask, which was made by Tussaud.

Wax figure with epic boobage. Grandpa king approves.

Closeup of the same figure

Another wax figure, similar dress to the first.

Side view

Dramatic lighting FTW

This is supposed to represent her being offered the infamous necklace

Louis and Antoinette

Antoinette, I adore her dress here

Wax Antoinette from a movie

Antoinette on the way to the guillotine

And we start with the obvious Antoinette tattoo *facepalms and points to journal name*

That is so the tattoo she'd get, a little tiny XVI somewhere.

An Antoinette inspired sleeve

Rather....untasteful in my opinion, but well done

Skanky Antoinette FTW

Pretty, I like the pink even if it has the cake thing

I don't even know what to say bout this one

I believe this one's a work in progress, but it looks neat

Based on a portrait

It has everything, roses, boobage, ship on the head, and booze!

And I end with two little porcelain figures representing Antoinette and her brother Joseph II.

louis, family, pictures

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