So as I'm sure most of you know by now if you've been paying attention, I travelled down to Boise Idaho to attend this year's Warped Tour since I couldn't make the one in Vancouver or Seattle. I saw a lot of good bands and got a lot of sweet pictures and videos that I thought I'd share.
So when we first arrived there was a HUGE line up because Boise thinks it is cool to have everyone coming in ONE ENTRANCE. There was tons of bands going around to the people in lines getting them to listen to their music and sell a few cds. There was these dudes in this one band called the Karrigans that sat and talked to Ashley and I for a while. Their music was pretty sweet so we bought their cd and the dude from the band showed off all of his knowledge about Canada which was really cute and funny. He didn't know much but knew more than I thought he would. He even know who invented universal health care. They were cool though. We also talked to these dudes from a band called Litchfield for a while and some guys from a band called No Bragging Rights. They were all cool dudes and their music is pretty sweet. You guys should check them out.
So anyways we went in and the first band we went to go see was Forever the Sickest Kids. They were really fun live. The singer was sooooo cute and he totally biffed it on stage because it was raining and I assume the stage was really slippery. I got a video of them playing My Worst Nightmare and a few pictures.
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The next band we went to see was Underoath. In Boise the main stage is indoors where there are seats around the sides. We just sat in the seats for Underoath because I've seen them like six times already and I don't like them quite as much as I used to. That is why the pictures are so horrible though, because they were taken from so far away. Anyways, they are always good. Spee dances like a skinny litlte cracked out stripper and it makes me happy basically every time. Too bad he's a Jesus humping douche bag. They almost made it through an entire show without mention that they were all about God. Until they just had to bring it up and sneak it in there. Fuck I hate the fact that they are so preachy. Anyways I got a video of them playing "A Boy Brushed Red" and a couple crappy pictures.
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Next we saw InnerPartySystem. I was SO STOKED to see them and they definitely lived up to my expectations. They played all their best songs and even broke down into playing things like Put Your Hands Up For Detroit. They were so fun. Their singer reminds me SO MUCH of Patrick Stump. His name is even Patrick. HAHA! I was so impressed. And their synth player was super cool too. I was so impressed that literally every member of this band can and does play synth. That's a true electronic band right there. The video is of my favorite song of theirs "Don't Stop" plus some pictures.
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Next up was VersaEmerge. They didn't get off to a very good start. Their sound guy was either retarded or they really ought to have had some techs setting up their things because they obviously didn't know how to do it themselves. Anyways, what happened was that their adapter wasn't working which transfered their background sounds (not their instruments) to the speakers wasn't working and they spent the first 10 minutes of their set trying to fix it when really they ought to have just played without it. They would have sounded fine. So that cut their set by a couple songs and they only played four rather than six. Then in the first thirty seconds of the first song, Sierra cracked her head open and was bleeding the entire set. She was a trooper for going on with a concussion though. Once they got going, they sounded great and put on a good show. It just took a lot to get there. I got a video of "Hider" and a few pictures.
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The next band I saw was Aiden, but they obviously deserve an entry of their own because they are too amazing to share an entry with these bands. Also I then can post all the billions of pictures I got to the Aiden community and make everyone happy.
So after Aiden and all Aiden shenans, I went down to go watch Meg and Dia. While waiting for them to come on, there was a band playing called The White Tie Affair. I have heard of them but have never heard their music. They were really fun live and sounded pretty good so I am probably going to hit up their myspace tonight and see what they've got going on. I got a couple pictures of their singer.
Next we saw Meg and Dia and let me tell you, they really kind of suck live. They are REALLY boring. Very little energy on stage. I get they aren't the most energetic music in the world but COME ON. Also Meg's voice was waaayy too weak. She's a little girl but she shouldn't SOUND little. Anyways, I didn't stay for their entire set but I did get some pictures for those who are interested. I'm kind of mad I missed Wil singing with NOFX to see them haha.
Next we went inside and found some seats to watch 3OH3. It was SO PACKED in their for them so we though rather than get all sweaty and squished we should just sit down. Given the results of the attempt to take Underoath pictures, I decided to just take videos of 3OH3. They are VERY entertaining live. They are just so freaking dorky, you can't help but love them. I really really enjoyed them. The dudes in front of us sure didn't though. For some reason they changed times with Bad Religion to perform so they came out before Bad Religion did and I guess these dudes wanted to see Bad Religion. The one guy fingered 3OH3 the entire time they played and another guy threw a beer at the fans in front of them. How about this guys...FUCKING LEAVE IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT? I'll never understand people who will sit through a show they don't like and bitch about it the whole goddamn time. Get off your ass and leave. Come back when Bad Religion comes out. And the dude throwing his beer at 3OH3 fans...way to go buddy. You really taught those rich successful bastards a lesson by dumping on their fans. Fucking douchebags. Anyways, it was funny to watch these guys think their opinion was relevant and 3OH3 kind of rocked my world. Here are a couple videos of them. LOL watch their synchronized dancing.
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And the last band we got to see conveniently was Attack Attack because 3OH3 decided for whatever reason to go on an hour earlier. Last time I saw these guys was when they opened for William Control. They are always really fun to watch live. I couldn't tell you why, they really aren't the kind of music I'm into but I just love how fun they are on stage. I got a video of "The People's Elbow". Pictures kind of sucked because by then it was dark and rainy.
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And yeah, that was Warped Tour 2009 in Boise Idaho. I'll do the Aiden entry later tonight.