Manave, Mamanu, and Men's Hut

May 01, 2021 23:21

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I took oodles of pictures this round, so I'll divide it into parts.
The Manave household has all the latest technology-including indoor plumbing. Unfortunately it hasn't rained for days to refill their water tower. There is a pond on their lot, but it isn't deep enough to swim in. My attempts to modify it didn't work-I think you need a fairly specific slope for Sims to get into the deep water and I couldn't find the sweet spot. So it's time for this stinky family to visit the beach!

Although pregnant Sims can be seen on community lots all the time, when you're playing their household, they can't leave the lot. Very strange. So Erita the second wife had to stay home. Everyone misses her greatly.
Huhana: Wheeee!! We should go out as a family more often! Much more often!

The lot also loaded up with all their motives maxed so they didn't need to swim in the ocean...but they did anyway. :)

Chief Fangaloka tried to hold court while he was there, but due to only 2 non-playables ever appearing on the lot at one time, it was pretty quiet.

...except for this one orang petitioning for more bananas.

Meanwhile Nanihi got stuck in the ocean, so rather than let her sleep with the (incredibly diverse and detailed) fishes, the family headed home.

Winford pays a visit, much to Nanihi's delight. She loves having friends over...especially when they are actually close to her age!

Grown-ups would never dare to tell secrets about her father, after all.

Speaking of her father...Fangaloka is shocked to see the audacity of this boy daring to sit in his throne!

Winford: Sorry, koro-chief!* But you wouldn't put me in jail for sitting on a chair, would you?
Fangaloka: We don't have prisons here, outsider. Our penalties for crimes are much more severe.

It is good to be the chief!

*Note: I noticed many of the names used in this game are Maori and though I'm firmly keeping this a Simlish game (i.e., a mishmash of cultures) I decided to borrow some words from that language when I need titles or terms because English words sometimes just don't fit in this setting. (I cannot imagine my natives calling each other "mister" and "missus," for example.) According to my research, "koro" refers to an older man, and "kui" to an older woman, so I have adopted them as honorifics.

Note #2: I wasn't controlling Winford, obviously, so I thought it was really cute how he ran for it after getting lectured by the chief!

And speaking of stuff I've thought way too much about for this island...I think the only class I haven't talked about yet is the bottom of the pyramid: the lowborn. They are the menial workers, doing all the jobs no one else wants to have. They were invented pretty much because I wanted someone as important as the chief to have a live-in servant (and babysitter while the folks are at work). So meet the newest Sim on the lot: Tumakuru Ra'ihau. Yes, I picked him because he had the coolest name.

Nanihi continues to be fascinated by the outsiders.

Her mother has a fondness for them too...

It's time to meet the new baby! Will Fangaloka get his desired heir??

Baby: Hello Father.

It's a girl, and Fangaloka can't hide his disappointment. He will love her like he loves Nanihi, but he needs a son to carry on his name...and his time is running out!

Erita desperately needs to take care of her hygiene meter, so it's off to the hot springs.
Sandra: My stars! That space was reserved for little old me, darling! And pardon me for saying so, but that hairstyle only suits a particular complexion...and yours is certainly not it!

Meanwhile, two council members, Kapiti and Hamene, enjoy a soak and chin-wag further down. (Apparently they've both been wearing wigs under their fancy councillor hats!)
Hamene: Rumour has it you and a particular outsider have gotten very close in recent days. Close enough to have a little Kapiti running around, I hear.

Kapiti: Should I marry her? She, an outsider, and I, on the chief's council? It could cause scandal with so many differing opinions on the outsiders lately.

Kapiti: If the child were a son it would make the decision easier. No one would question legitimizing a future warrior!
Loincloth townie wisely chooses to make his exit. No one wants to hear his opinion on politics versus ethics.

As for Erita, if she worries about the judging looks as she takes another drink, she doesn't show it. She needs a bit of liquid courage before heading home.

Fangaloka: Did you enjoy your time at the hot springs, my dear?
Erita: Yes, it was nice to relax after the birthing. I'm sorry it was not the son you wanted.
Fangaloka: You have nothing to apologize for. And we can always try again.

I wanted to keep the classic experience for Maxis jealousy with this polygamy experiment, but I did download a mod that won't let woohooing be caught unless the "cheating" Sim is within 7 tiles. It works fine for Huhana, who generally stays on her side of the hut anyway...

...but just downstairs from her, Tumakuru is scandalized!

(I think he has this reaction because I temporarily made him and Huhana cousins so she could encourage up his very low Neat points.)

Of course Huhana still hates Erita all on her own, without any need to catch her in the act.

Which means Fangaloka has a lot of reassuring to do as well.

So, uh, this is where things get a little awkward. As chief's daughter, Nanihi should marry the greatest warrior. This of course is the faithful Rarahu...who is much much older than her. Of course there would be no marriage until she's older, but I'm not really sure if I want to commit to this idea anymore.
But it was the plan at this point, so Nanihi got to know her betrothed while her father stood by to be sure she behaved herself. Nanihi has mentioned before that Rarahu's hair reminds her of snakes, and it would be just like her to try to prove it with a real snake! (Not that a mighty warrior like him couldn't handle a harmless snake, but her pranks are getting out of hand.)

For a grown-up, Rarahu is about as typically stiff and boring as they come, in Nanihi's opinion, but he does play one game, which is a nice surprise. He even comments on his strategy as they go, perhaps with a few too many comments on discipline (his favourite word, ugh!), but Nanihi is eager to learn, so she pays close attention. Some of her more clever moves even earn a rare compliment from the taciturn warrior!

She also gets along fairly well with her father's other wife, much to her mother's disgust.

But she would rather they kept their displays of affection to a more private location!

Poor Fangaloka has an exhausting time of keeping up with all his chiefly duties, on top of all the wife drama and keeping up with an active, inquisitive daughter.

Over at the Shaman Shack, Jessica is having a rough time of her second pregnancy (because I keep forcing her to make potions...ahem) so superdad Akolo is on baby duty to help her rest up.

Unfortunately it's too late, and the baby is lost. :(

Just in case I did want to experiment with younger marriages down the road, I had downloaded a teen pregnancy mod that includes a chance of miscarriage. No, it isn't inTeen, but I think the miscarriage part is taken from it. Anyway, it was the only one I could find with a working link that didn't require Apartment Life and I kind of like the realism (babies in the jungle is hard!) but I'm also sad for Jessica.

Fortunately Akolo is there to comfort her.

He thinks Jessica is working too hard, and they are high class too, so he also arranges for some live-in help: Aisea Reihana.

Jessica has a lot to get used to in her new home, including what seems to her a lot like indentured servitude, but she has to admit it is nice to have more time to work on her concoctions.

Jessica: Do you really think we can try soon?

Akolo: If it doesn't work this night, there is always tomorrow night. And this time, I will make sure you rest up properly.

Waiata is still the most annoying thing on the island, but at least this picture is cute.

Tuzu grows up! Did I mention before that his name is Tuzu? Well, I'm mentioning it now, and little Tuzu is a little cutie pie!

Jessica: I think it worked.

Akolo: We can still try again tonight...just to be sure.

The Romance saunter always gives me a giggle, but especially so when Akolo has his pink skivvies on. :D

Quit slacking off, Aisea!

Fortunately for Tuzu, the pathing in this game is much improved from the main game (very important when all the lots are designed with very bumpy terrains), so getting around as a toddler is much easier!

Jessica's potion skills are improving so she's expanding her client base. The love potions in particular are a popular item.

Invisi-pop confirms it worked!

Akolo: Come on, son. Walk right to daddy, come on!

Yeah that's a big nope for the swamp-wading. Smart kid you have there, Akolo.

Maybe if you quit slacking from your work you wouldn't find yourself in these situations, Aisea!!
I jest...she's actually a much better cleaner and babysitter than Tumakuru. A few Neat points make a big difference!

Akolo: Anything wrong, love?
Jessica: I had a dream. A bad dream. Ahio was in it and...someone else in love with him.
Akolo: Ha! It wasn't you, was it?
Jessica: No...but it was so vivid. I've never had a dream like that before. I can't help feeling something bad is going to happen. Either something bad for Ahio...or something bad because of Ahio.

Akolo: Ahio and all his admirers can look after themselves. It was only a dream. You need your sleep, love.

There were no more dreams that night and Jessica slept soundly. By morning it was a distant memory, especially as she had a cute toddler to take up her attention!

Speaking of Ahio, he was the chosen one to test a mod by piqiwi, as I was annoyed by how few Sims show up on community lots. The mod works great in the main game, but mods in this game are often dicey.

But it's confirmed to work! Now there are even more opportunities for Sim violence. :/

Unfortunately I have an issue with the bartenders not appearing (prior to adding this mod) so with the mod it means even more Sims can stand around waiting for the drink that will never come...

Ahio served drinks and it helped a little bit.
(Look, Akolo! Ahio isn't the only Sim the ladies swoon over!)

Though Ahio does still get plenty of swooners.

It's probably due to the fact that he's actually become a competent fisherman now.
In the story, you have to help Ahio learn to fish (why a castaway is teaching a native how to fish is a very good question) and it was not working at all in my game, despite many attempts. Fortunately there was an alternate way to proceed, but I hold a grudge against his incompetency and unwillingness to take advice.

Back to the men's hut, where next to dirty jokes, congratulating is the favourite past-time.

But dirty jokes are definitely still a favourite!

I tweaked the pond a bit to be more swimmable, but it still has a small swimming area, sometimes causing odd side effects. :D

Of course this is how they celebrate.

Timoti: Congratulations on your engagement!
Rainui: Thanks! Maybe you will be the next Sim to commit?

Timoti: Maybe I will...

First time trying out the love struck potion, and it was far more effective than I'd expected! I thought it would be like the love potion 8.5 that just gives an attraction boost, but this one actually skyrockets both Sims' relationships to 100/100 with love hearts and everything.

Timoti: Orama, I feel this sudden connection to you...
Orama: I feel the same way!
Kiri: Have they even spoken to each other before?

Orama: So this is love? It's nice. :)

Ahio: Erita married someone else, the ladies are suddenly swooning for Akolo instead of me...what am I doing wrong??
Ahio, you're a Family Sim. You shouldn't be so worried about everysim wanting you-just the one Sim.

Ahio: Well, I guess she'll do. Bottom's up!

Kiri: What is this foreign feeling?

Ahio: Kiri, I know this is sudden, but I love you; you're the one. Will you marry me?

Kiri: I...I cannot deny a strong feeling for you either. Yes!

Kiri: Why did I say yes? I hardly know him!

Kiri: Something very strange is happening here...

Ahio (and sometimes Akolo) may be the most desirable male on the island, but the most desirable female is uncontested as townie Maata Ngaire.

Hard day at the office for Emobi.

Almost every day a different maid shows up for these guys. Are they really so sloppy that the previous never wants to come back??

All the noble ladies love Rarahu, and he doesn't put up much resistance. He may be betrothed, but it's a long wait for her to grow up for the wedding.

Speaking of weddings, there is an arch at the harbour, so Emobi tries to meet his sweetheart there to tie the knot. Unfortunately community lot weddings are a no-go...

...but there are plenty of other ways to entertain them!

At least they can get a nice fake wedding picture under the arch, complete with fake guests! (Who are lining up to fight them of course!)

And that's it for part 1! I was going to post all parts together, but as usual, this took much longer than expected, so part 2 will be up when it gets up, I guess. :D
Crossposted: LiveJournal | Dreamwidth

mamanu, men's hut, manave, castaway stories

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