(no subject)

Oct 07, 2009 10:19

i've got a horrible cold, but it's finally starting to go away. I don't know if it's because I am generally sick, or I am having withdrawl symptoms from quitting smoking cigarettes.

"Physical withdrawal from nicotine is temporary, but it can be uncomfortable while it lasts. "Quitter's flu" is a term used to describe this phase of smoking cessation because nicotine withdrawal symptoms often mimic a cold or a mild case of the flu."

I haven't smoked a cigarette since Saturday night, and I am thinking today is going to be the hardest point in my quitting. My lungs and throat are going through some major overhauls, which is something I knew would happen but didn't know it would be this gross. I am coughing up phlem left and right, while my body is ridding myself of tar and excess gunk which have covered my insides. This happens because new cells are appearing, and are able to breathe for the first time in years (for me, four years). So, my body is continuously flushing the toxins which I've built up over the past four years.

Quitting smoking was not something I've been thinking about for a while- it just came to me that I was not going to buy another pack. I know Jeff doesn't like it that I smoke, but honestly, a lot of boyfriends have felt the same way and I still smoked. So I know I am not quitting because he doesn't like it. I guess, I just don't like it anymore. In social situations, I'm usually the only one who smokes cigarettes. I cannot go outside and enjoy a cig when I feel I have to hide that I am, whether it be by smoking quickly, or by trying to shake out the stentch left in my hair, ect. It's not enjoyable to take in that drag on  the balcony of my apartment and it be god-forsaken hot outside and not worth the sweat. I don't like smoking in between classes when I feel like I have something I could be doing better.
Basically, I woke up and realized I don't like being dictated by cigarettes- when and where my cravings were, ect. I wanted to be in control again.

So, I quit. And i know it's only Wednesday, but thats a good 84 hours, and that is something to be happy about. Will I ever smoke again? Probably. But it'll be on my terms next time.

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