
Feb 02, 2009 11:41

...I've been feeling pretty blah about simming and my legacy and stuff for the past week.  I think it's because I've got things going on at work, and then I come home and find that I'm not making progress with my hobby.  It even spread to my enjoyment of reading other's legacies and commenting on them, which is why I've been a bit quiet.

I really did feel like I've been getting no where fast with my rotation, and getting everything I need to write chapter 18.  Trouble is when I feel like that I don't want to play, so I do something else which means I don't play and I get more blah and the circle continues.

BUT Gin's wonderful chapter lifted my spirits on Saturday, and I've finished the things I was doing whilst I procrastinated.  I also decided yesterday that enough was enough so I abandoned the rotation and went and shot everything I need to finish the chapter.  It just needs sorting and writing now.  All this means I'm feeling like playing today for the first time in a week.  Oh and I thought I'd share my pretties.

A huge thing I've been doing is putting together index cards for every playable and guest sim I have in the neighbourhood.  I'm pleased to say that I finally have all the playable cards finished.  They may not completely filled in: I'll do that when I get to the right lots, but I'm glad they are sorted.  It's just the townie legacy sims I have to do now, but I'll do that sitting in front of Simpe one day when I'm bored.

Anthor big thing I've been keeping busy with is building Simdon.  When I'm next in the main house I'm going to need to shoot somethings on a Simdon lot, and I want it to look like there are buildings around if I swing my camera down the street.  To that end, this is what Simdon looks like now:

A couple of the buildings are still facades, but that is a bakery owned by Gil there and the thin lot above it houses is what will become Vicky and Rosemary's office.  The lot on the left at the bottom is going to be a terrace of townhouses and I'm really enjoying building it.  In fact I got so into it that it lead to me procrastinating in another way.

Bit of background first.  I downloaded a Bradbury & Bradbury bedroom set from MTS2 ages ago, and was pleased to find it had ceilings in it.  Unfortunately like most creators who make floors etc with borders, the creator had only made an outer corner.  I like to have inner corners because I have chimneybreasts and alcoves in a lot of my houses but I put off using the ceilings in any room that wasn't perfectly square.  When I got AL and Simpe was updated, I exported all the textures of the ceiling tiles I commonly used, including these, and turned them into floors with Homecrafter.  These are what I've been using as ceilings for months now.

When I was decorating these townhouses I used the wallpaper in one fo the bedrooms and wanted to put the ceiling in.  Because it had a chimneybreast I decided to have a go at making an inner corner for it.

It's not turned out too badly.  The chequerboard pattern doesn't tile properly, but I'll probably re-visit it at some point.  I just cobbled it together.

It did however make me feel like creating a wall paper and ceiling set myself from scratch, so I went and visited the B&B website.  Saved a few images and then spent ages looking at those images working out where the pattern repeat was and how to cut that repeat out.  Here's the result:

Look, not only are there inner corners, but they come in two different patterns!

I'm pleased with them.  There are flaws if you look very closely, but it'll do for me for the time being.

I've also done something I've wanted to do for ages, but had put to the back of my mind until 1) Orikes posted her pictures of the generational portraits, and 2) I found suitable meshes.  I've recoloured some pictures with pictures of my simmies.

I was browsing T$R (yes I know they're evil, but Cashcraft is a great creator, especially for those of us playing 19th century sims.  Her objects really are high quality, and I wish she were free), when I came across several meshes for pictures that would look right at home in Regalton.

I've also done these in colour, but liked the idea that these are photos as opposed to paintings.

I've also recoloured a Maxis mesh with family portraits:

Now I know how easy it is to do this I just know I'm going to make tons of recolours for every house.

One last also, I can't believe it's so snowy out.  We hardly ever have snow, and since I've got a week's holiday I don't have to feel guilty about not trying to get into work.

This was the view from my bedroom window earlier.  I know this isn't very exciting for all of you who get a lot of snow, but we get maybe one day of snow a year, so it's pretty exciting to me.

Right I think I'll go and play now, since I do feel like playing for a bit.

creation: recolouring, picspam: simdon, subhood: simdon, story: victorian legacy, thoughts: procrastinating

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