Rotation update

Jan 26, 2009 23:00

I have a mixed bag of news about my current playing and the progress of my next chapter.

Good news is I have everything I need from the main house for chapter 18 and quite a bit of chapter 19 too.

Good news is I have everything I need from three of the other families I'm shooting for this chapter.

Bad news is I have two more to shoot with and they are quite big bits.

Bad news is one of those families is ten families away from where I currently am in the rotation.

Good news is I'm cheating a lot with the families who bore me so I'm hardly in their houses at all.  In fact I've decided to bypass the Turner household completely at the moment and play Stanley because they bore the socks off me and Stanley is Stanley.

Good news is I have next week off so I can get some serious simming done then.

As I am playing though I do have picspam for you all.

Ok first up here's someone i didn't include a picture of in my last lot, even though he was born then.  Here's Stuart:

The only difference between him and his older brother at this stage is his skin being fairer.  He'll become a toddler one day into the next rotation.

Bertie is now a child, and if you remember I said that Theo heartbarfed Marielle, well so does Charles.

Speaking of Marielle I've had a request to upload her because she is pretty.

Lovely picture is lovely:

Finally here's Bertie as a child.  He still looks just like his daddy.

I have much love for this child already.

Next house was Violet's, which means you all get to see Theo and Doc's babies grow up.

First though, Doc is now permaplat through becoming a mad scientist.  The only women allowed to work in the 'hood are simselves so I can get them permaplat.  I allow them to go to work at the highest level once and then they have to quit.

I tried to get a double cake celebration going, but they wouldn't grow up until after 18.00 and then both did so without the cake.

Anyway, apart from the brow which is pure SimNerd, Andrew is the spitting image of his father

Whereas Peter takes after his mother;

That's Theo's nose and chin, but everything else comes from Doc.

Theo is competing with Eddie for the father of the year award:

Whereas Doc is showing Marielle how this parenting malarky is done.

Honestly, leave one of these two in the same room as one of their children and they are all over them.

I let Vi do what she wanted for the most part of this rotation because I knew what was coming.

"So Basil, do you know why my entire family has suddenly descended on me?"

"No, all I know is a lady called Mama and said, and I quote, "get your arses round to your mother's pronto.""

"Basil, language."

"Sorry Grandmama."

"So this is it then Miss Di."

"...yeah.  I'm afraid so."

"Ah.  I''ve had a good life."

"You have, yes."

"'s all right my Nummy Theo, I'll make you feel better."

"I have decided that actually this dying thing sucks."

God I'm going to miss this sim.

"Oh so I do have to go with you."


"My grandson won't, and neither will his wife."


So the last of generation two has now gone.  I'm pretty sad about that.

The next day it was time for the boys to become children:

Yup Peter definitely looks like SimNerd:

And Andrew looks like Theo:

Oh and this also happened:

She's called Celestia, and although I'm not sure how much you will see of her in the main legacy (I've got a scene or two with her going round in my head) I am thinking of doing an interlude that uses her.

I admit to speeding up Theo's pregnancy because I couldn't stand to see him waddle around with a big belly.

I'm pretty sure that SimNerd is glad that Theo looks like this again too:

Ok onto Charlotta's now.

I'm pretty sure that both her and Hannah will be going next rotation so again I had them do what they wanted.

Charlotta somehow manged to get the glowy zone effect to stick to her.

It did go away eventually.

Hannah meanwhile tub pirated and proved that the lower face cave in on women elders with face 2 cheeks is not an attractive thing:

Elle and Joshua are actually pretty sweet together:

Helen is now a toddler too.

Oh and not only does my gardener cheer the cats going at it, but my daughter does too.



Enough of that for the time being, let's catch up with Anne's daughter Julia and Gavin Newson.

I sent them on a date to the NHM I downloaded from MTS2.

Unfortunately I experienced a very strange error on the lot.  The clock stopped at 18.59 and although I could click on things and had all the pie menus come up, the sims were all frozen too.  Before anyone asks, no the game was not paused.

I ended up exiting and replaying the date at her house.

Over at Henry's I've got round to changing the genetics of Aphrodita and her children, so no more heavily shaded eyes and shiny skins:

John is as lovely a sim as his father:

Henry does seem to have mellowed though:

Anyway John is now off to terrorise everyone at uni.

Onto Robert's house now, and as you can see I caved and bought M&G.  So far I'm really liking it and the new architecture will come in handy for building Simdon.  I did laugh at Celilia getting down on all fours to sniff the flowers.

As it was a Saturday I had Rosemary come round for the day.

"Stanley could not make it then?"

"No I got his machine.  He is proably working."

"Oh yes, I'm sure he is working."

"Rosemary I do not like your tone.  Your brother is a good boy."

"Yes from what I've heard around campus he is very good indeed."

Staney is the last person we're going to check in with.  I'm still playing him, but so far he is making lots of  new friends;

(Yes that's a new restaurant in Simdon).

"There are those who might call me a rat."

"I do not think you are a rat.  Who would call you a rat?  I think you are lovely."

A couple of random snaps I got when Stanley was out.

Yeah Angela you were dining with the slob that night.


"I am sorry?"


*insert eyeroll here*

For some very strange reason when I got home with Stanley after one of his sojourns, this man was suddenly a member of the family.  He's one of the restaurant hosts, and I have no idea how this happened.  He managed to detune the piano before I had him move out, so this is Stanley lecturing him about it.

Well that's it for picspam.  I thought I'd taken some piccies of Simdon as it looks now, but I haven't, so I'll share them some other time.  That's coming along nicely and I'm pleased with it so far.

One last thing I'd like your opinions on.  I would really like to do more with Vicky when she graduates.  (As if I don't have enough I want to do).  To my mind she would make a perfect investigative agent along with Rosemary, so I'm thinking about doing at least one interlude which would be her starring in a mystery.  What's holding me back is the thought that Chris and Sarah already write the wonderful Sim Spade, and although this wouldn't be a spoof and would be very different, I'm worried about comparisons, and people thinking I'm copying their idea, so what do you all think?  Yay or nay?

character: stanley, picspam: main line, character: theodore, character: timothy, character: edward, character: stuart, character: albert, character: spares, character: william, character: peter, character: beth, legacy: gen 5, character: charlotta, character: andrew, story: victorian legacy, character: alfie, legacy: gen 2, picspam: stanley, character: celestia, picspam: spares, picspam: harrison, legacy: gen 3, character: john, character: rosemary, character: henry, picspam: regalton, legacy: gen 4

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