I have been meaning to post here for the past three nights with pictures of Simmouth because I've nearly finished everything I want done before Eddie goes on honeymoon, but it's just not happened yet. Trouble is I've reached building burn out and just want to play.
That is exactly what I've done then, and had a lot of fun too. I've finished up the uni rotation. Elle and Sophia are ready to move back to Regalton, get married etc. I decided to cheese Carmen since she was a serious pleasure sim, and although I re-rolled her to knowledge at the end of her second year, I just wasn't feeling it so thought I'd give her a go as grilled cheese instead. So far she is very happy: rarely out of platinum, and has eaten 56 sandwiches. She has now graduated and is sitting in the simbin ready for me to move her and her roommate Laura onto an empty lot.
Eddie has also graduated and it was an extremely glitchy, stalky, funny affair.
First thing was that Eddie lost his ponytail with the mortar board. I had a good idea that this was going to happen, but it does emphasize to me that he is not my Eddie with short hair.
When the guests arrived, one got pretty stalky. Yes I know I post a lot of pictures of SimNerd stalking Theo, but it amuses me that she does this all on free will.
"What? I'm just seeing if my fiance is in here. Nothing wrong with that."
Things were also funny downstairs.
Yup Eddie is flamey-thought-ballooning the cow mascot (he had a run in with him at Carmen's dorm) whilst Marielle is heartfarting her future father-in-law.
I think Beth might not appreciate this, since this is the face she pulled when I had Eddie influence Marielle to talk to her:
"Erk no. Why would I want to talk to you?"
Anyone else think that Vicky gets her good judge of character from her mother?
Moar glitches! Theo kinda lost a hand.
'Hmm, this feels perculiar...'
Entertainment was partly provided by Alexandra:
Poor William couldn't get to the tip jar though. (No prizes for guessing who are making out in the background. It will be fun when I take off the ACR leash I can tell you).
More kissing:
'Hmm, I've not kissed Theo for about thirty seconds...'
"I've just seen Eddie and Marielle kissing: it looked like fun, my face has glitched like this and I want kisses now."
Theo was happy to oblige, even if they were rather close to Marielle.
So yeah a pretty funny party all round. Tomorrow I am going to get Theo and Stanley home, and then I can play the main neighbourhood rotation and get Eddie, Theo, Elle and Sophia married off. I've decided to keep Stanley single, and have Rosemary carry on Robert's branch of the family. Not my original idea, but I can't see Stanley settling down at the moment. I'm planning on moving him into a version of the observers' house from the BC.
I will also post pictures of Simmouth either tomorrow, or Saturday.
I'm also planning on starting to sort the next chapter next week. I would ideally like to spend this weekend playing and getting generation 5 on its way.