Feb 06, 2010 23:53
Dressed in his usual doctor's attire of khaki pants and a polo shirt Pein was laying on his couch enjoying a rare quiet moment. He was home alone, his day had been mostly organization and he didn't have to go into the hospital. Life was giving him a reprieve during what he knew would be a hectic month, that and 'she' was coming. Hearing his phone, Pein pulled it out and sighed at Naruto's text. Well it looked like he and 'she' were on there way.
Reading between the lines of the text message Pein pulled out his medical kit and just lay down again. If he was lucky they would be by soon. He could get this meeting over with and he wouldn't have to think about it for a while. The more he thought about her the more irritated he got. Why did she always bring drama?
Getting up Pein prepped his kitchen knowing that there was probably a mess involved. Putting extra towels and bandages in the kitchen he waited for the knock. Mentally counting down Pein had these things almost to a science. The knock came and Pein opened the door and just managed not to sigh.
"Tell me how it is that you two are in each company only a few hours and already you have managed to get into a fight." Waving the two in Pein gave Naruto a cursory glance. He didn't even look like he had just been in a fight. Tsu however looked like hell warmed over.
"Into the kitchen, so I can see the damage." Pein closed his door and walked into the kitchen where Tsu was perched on the barstool he had set out. Reaching into his pack he pulled on some gloves. "Jacket off, you know the drill. Is your head the most serious injury or are there more serious ones I can't see." Picking out the supplies that he knew he would need for the cut by her temple, Pein waited for the answers knowing that they would no doubt be doozies.