'you give me fever' says spider-man >=)

May 07, 2007 11:17

1: Spell your name without an E,R,S,H,K,I,M,A,:

2: Are you single?
as opposed to what? yes, i am single.

3: Whats your favorite number?
8 ... i like the shape of it, it's like two eyes, flipped to the side, always watching....

4: Favorite color(s)?
it varies. i like a dark dark blue or a dark dark red.... or an emerald green. it's hard to say.

5: Least favorite color?
orange. it should be banned from the earth.

6: What are you listening to?
me clicking away at the keyboard. unique, huh?

8: Are you happy with your life right now?
lets tie up this question and burn it at the stake

9: Are you involved with anyone?
*raises eyebrows and slowly narrows them* define involved... *eviil laugh*.... or not.

10: What was/is you favorite subject in school?
intermediate sitting, it's great... a pass/fail class... sitting technique was hard at first, but I got used to it, now I'm a pro sitter... not babysitter, but chair-sitter, I sit chairs for a grade.

yeah, ok, i killed that one.

11: Do you shop at hollister/abercrombie/AE?
i've shopped at all of them @ one point or another...

12: How do you make money?
i'm in the black market... i sell scantrons for BIG money before tests... they call me el diablo scantron! and then i sell house plants, steal them from people's homes and resell them at various.... *look around warily* shady locations.

13: Where did you graduate from?
servite *barfs thrice*

14: Are you outgoing?
at the right place, at the right time.

15: One word to describe you?

16. Do you like Big Macs?
are you kidding?! hellnaw!

18: Where do you wish you were right now?
the great land of OC in my OWN bed, with my OWN radio, with my OWN car, with my OWN food... etc.

19: What should you be doing right now?
writing a personal narrative... oh yes, and reviewing my plans for world domination.

20: Do you have a crush on anyone right now?
i haven't crushed anyone lately, no... that would be mean, would it not? 
no. crushes are worthless. i admire. there's a diff.

Can you do a cart wheel?: yep
Can you touch your toes?: *twists face funny* wha? you doubt me?
Can you whistle?: yes
Can you wiggle your ears?: no... weird.
Can you roll your tongue?: yep.

Did you ever want to be a doctor? my mom wanted me to be, but that's not up my alley.
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?: it seemed like if i did that, i would be hot often.... no.

Do you believe in God? YES!
Do you know how to swim?: yes
Do you like roller coasters?: yes

Does your car get good gas mileage?: *grinds teeth* don't-talk-to-me-about-my-car!!!!
Does your family have family picnics? you're joking right...?

How did you find out about Myspace?: i'm clairvoyent... i knew it would come to be...
How many of your friends on it do you actually know?: i got rid of my myspace.

Last person you hung out with?: richie, kevin, lauren.
Last thing you said out loud?: "yeah, i know, the oatmeal kind of looked green today..."

What was the last restaurant you ate at: i... um... actually, i dont remember.
What was the last thing you had to drink?: apple juice
What was the last thing you watched?: the news

Who is your newest friend you added to Myspace?: is this a myspace quiz, how did it end up on LJ. this is weird.
Who was the last person who IM'd you?: ...amy... maybe?
Who talked to you on the phone last?: lane

Ever really cried your heart out?: shut up.
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: shut up.
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: ....no.... no i havent
Do you cry when you get an injury?: nah
Do certain songs make you cry?: well yeah...
Do certain movies make you cry?: not that i can remember

What is your current hair color?: black as a raven's, black as night, black like ink, black, black, black!!
Current piercings?: ear
Have any tattoos?: no
Straight hair or curly?: lush waves

What color shirt are you wearing?: shirts are for losers.
Necklaces?: none

Hugged someone?: i don't believe in physical contact... the new cult i joined disallows it. not! yes, hugs are g-r-e-a-t!
Been on the phone until the sun came up?: no

Person you talked to in person?: lauren
Person that texted you?: richie
Time you had a shower?: ce matin
Do you like surveys?: on mondays when i despise life, yes.

Current mood: guilty
Current hair style: messy, tossled waves... there arent enough adjectives for my crazy hair, i guess.
Current desktop picture: some random of city scene that i thought looked cool

Did you swipe this from: some guy on facebook i dont know.
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