(I wrote this I think at the end of last week. Here it is!)
Canada apparently has some crap access to abortion care, especially in the maritime provinces. This is SO MADDENING HULK MAD HULK SMASH HULK MAKE WEBSITE advocating increased access in a rational manner.
I lately get the feeling that I'm called to do this work on a deep level. How that manifests is a separate thing.
So, I started looking up abortion access in Nova Scotia, and...yeah, they have some backwards-ass blocks to access in place.
But! I found the new web-based version of Women on Waves, the group that got a clinic running on a boat, that can be stationed in international waters, so that women from Ireland, Italy, or Portugal (where abortion is illegal) can get on the boat, and get a medication abortion, like that!
https://www.womenonweb.org/ is the website. i am going to make a public post to this effect, and realize I think I need to just increase the visibility of this info. NS is apparently notorious for not having data available on where women can access abortion care. A Torontonian co-worker was affronted that I declared access blocks in Canada to be so backward....
I could rant for miles on this, but instead will encourage you to look at the above link, and this, a list by province of AB access in Canada: