Weird Waitress Encounter

Jul 31, 2007 01:26

Yesterday SAM and I were having brunch at one of our favorite breakfast cafes in his neighborhood. Throughout the course of the meal, I noticed a number of behaviors that I found to be at least a bit odd. From the top...

1. I nearly always remove my glasses when I sit down to eat. As soon as she showed up she wagged her finger and clucked at me to not forget them when I leave.

2. Midway through our meal she reprimanded the both of us for failing to make progress on the side of breakfast sausage that was sitting untouched as we were both head down in our entrees.

3. When the sunlight started getting intense I started lowering the window shade, something I've done multiple times in the past at this very cafe. She immediately trotted over and insisted on taking over the task, and then realized that *gasp* my glasses were on the windowsill and cheerfully exclaimed "Oh I'd better move these for you so you don't forget them!"

4. After I finished eating she took my plate away. And then she proceeded to rearrange my glass of water, which had been in the usual position on the side of my place setting, slowly and deliberately sliding it until it sat right smack-dab in front of me. There. That's better.

5. When it came time to bring the bill, she first showed it to SAM to verify a small correction we had requested. Then she played this weird game of "hide the bill" by trying to slide it under a plate. SAM thought the plate was in her way so he picked the plate up to move it, and then she picked the bill up again and tried sticking it sideways behind his water glass, which he again helpfully tried to move out of her way. As she was trying to stash it in yet another location and he finally put her out of her misery by just handing her his card.

All in all, it was truly bizarre. So far my top theories include:

1. She has a 2 year old child and does not know how to act around adults anymore.

2. She has OCD.

3. She is a control freak.

4. She is trying to be the most Superhelpful Waitress Ever.

5. All of the above.


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