Dec 01, 2012 12:57
I'm not sure I've shared on here, but I'm reading my way through the New Testament. Mostly I'm reading the Message Bible but am using my standard Concordia too. What I like about the Message Bible is that it translates the Bible into common language used today. So, its really easy to understand. It also reads somewhat like a novel. The downfall, sometimes I like to read it how I'm use to. I like the "feel" and connection I get with my regular Bible. So, I'm using both.
Today, I started the book of Luke. I know, I'm not overly far what in my reading, but I'm working on it. The very first part of the book talks about John the baptist's birth. I'm not sure I've ever spent much time thinking about the fact that his parents were very old at his conception. And in those days, not being able to concieve was viewed very negative, you most certianly didn't have God's favor if you couldn't concieve a child. Then, one day, God came to Zachariah and told him Elizabeth would be having a baby. Yup, as simple as that. Talk about timing, they were very old.
This reminds me that I must wait on God's timing. I spend a lot of time praying about Max's allergies and for the improvement. I need to remember that ultimately God is in charge of this and that I must remain faithful and pray. If its his will, Max's allergies will continue to improve and hopefully go away completely. If not, I must continue to adapt and move forward. I need to use his allergies and our experience as an opportunity to promote knowledge among others. I will wait on God's timing. I will learn to be patient.
food allergies,