First Time Potato Salad

Jun 04, 2012 22:31

Most of us probably can't remember when the first time was we had potato salad. It was summer staple in my house and I was eating well before my memory kicks in. I love potato salad. Its my favorite. I'm not really sure why I love potato salad so much. Although I believe its because it brings back memories of childhood summers.

Max had never had potato salad until today. Even then, I'm not 100% certain he tasted it. But none the less, tonight is the first night in almost two years that I made potato salad. And I'm quite proud of myself as I made allergy-free rice mayo. Oh, and did I mention, I MADE the mayo! Yup, I made it! It was awesome. Just the fact that I made it, made it taste twice as good as store purchased. And it was crazy easy, just time consuming.

Yesterday I met my cousin at a YMCA and we ran together. I felt OK about the run. We did two miles of walk/run with running 1 mile. 15 laps equaled a mile so we'd run 3 laps and walk 2 until we got to 2 miles. I was totally sucking air when I let her set the pace. She's the run as fast as I can until I'm totally exhausted kind of runner. I'm the set a pace I can manage kind-of runner. She says she can run two miles and feels like she could do a 5K now. Me, huh. I can totally admit I can't do a 5K right now. However for me, its totally about endurance. Once I get that build up, I will be in great shape.

After running we lifted a few weights. She's been lifting longer then me. Considering I'd not actually been to the Y. When I lift I take my time with the weights to get full benefit. She use to be a personal trainer so I let her guide me with the weight machines. She had me lifting less then I could, so I found myself increasing the amount. I found myself lifting the same amount as her for my legs and some of the arms. She'd push up the weight and then push out the reps as quickly as possible. I've always found that interesting people do that. It almost seems like its to brag that they did however much. A long time ago when I worked with an personal trainer, he said that you want to lift slowly and controlled for ultimate benefit. Oh, well, to each their own.

Tomorrow, Weds, Thurs I'll run during lunch. I'm pretty excited since my run yesterday went so well. And I'm seriously contemplating trying a 5K at the end of this month! WOW! That will be fast!

family, exercise, food allergies

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