(no subject)

Aug 19, 2004 20:23

Guess who has French gay smut left behind at her house?

That's right! Come collect what is rightfully yours, my sweets, or I'm a-gonna keep it. ;)

And thanks for coming, all who were here yesterday. <3 Additional thank-yous to: Zander for the delicious Tuscan wine, Liz Platt for the chips and guacamole, Andrea for the Indian sweets which we didn't eat and the carrot cake which we most certainly did (do you want the last one, BTW? It's still here and I guess if you don't claim it in less than a day, I'll eat it), and Emma for the...uh...novelty candy. ;D If I'm forgetting anyone for something they brought, you'll have to forgive me -- I didn't sleep until late last night.


Yay, I'm in a very happy mood. I'm feeling good about going back to school and seeing people, I'm feeling much more calm than before about the boy situation, and I'm glad I still have another week in New York. Plus my mother and I just had a lovely dinner at a neighborhood Italian restaurant, which included my favorite carrot soup in the world (cause it's all about the carrots!), and we didn't fight at all. And I'm listening to Frank Sinatra, which is always an instant formula for happy Eleuthera.
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