I'm in such a good mood. Why, you ask?
1. All my friends are updating their journals! It is very exciting. Actually it's not quite all of you, so something must be done about that. I think we should declare it Eleuthera's Friends All Go Update Their Journals Week. *looks sternly at Liz and Bree*
2. I've been in contact with college people! Yay. And Simone and I have been exchanging emails and planning the layout for our room next year. We ROX. It is going to be so cute our many, many visitors won't even be able to handle it. Actually, it's probably going to be a disorganized mess, but we won't think about that.
3. I'm getting "Bravissima!" on all my Italian quizzes. *is smug*
4. It's sunny out!
5. About a week ago Liz and I were wandering around the West Village (pretty gay boys! sex shops! adult video stores! quaint old architecture! winding lanes!) and we bought a present for Emma, but I kept forgetting to bring it when the three of us met up. On Tuesday we finally gave her the surprise, and I think she appreciated it, so yay.
myra_menke, maybe one day people won't be able to recognize you without them. . . *ducks* *hides*
ladyvorkosigan posted a very cool meme today, so I think I shall steal it. You're supposed to give three things you do and three things you don't do that fit the stereotypes of the place you're from.
I do think that everyone looks better in black.
I do get very impatient in crowded subway stations.
I do believe that public transportation will always get me anywhere I want, even out in the middle of nowhere.
I don't go bar and club-hopping every Friday and Saturday night.
I don't go to delis all the time.
I don't act like I'm in a hurry everywhere I go.
And I'm also going to steal the idea of doing the same thing for whatever college you go to. Hehe.
I do like to know all the gossip about other Swatties.
I do enjoy making fun of the Ivies.
I do consider myself liberal.
I don't spend every waking (and non-waking) hour in the library.
I don't consider myself a vegetarian or vegan.
I don't consistently get much less sleep than I would like, at least not for work-related reasons. *insert angel smiley here*
And now I'm REALLYREALLY hungry so I'm going to go rush off and find me a deli. BYE.