PS- IB and caran d'ache for sale.

Feb 18, 2010 14:19

 I feel so sickly/weak that I haven't even checked up on my imaginary boyfriend to see what he is up to!

I have a set of 84 Caran D'Ache neocolor ll in a tin box for sale.
These are like new- I played with a few strokes on some of them for color- tried to use a couple of them- just can't get the hang of them at all-.
They list for about $180.00 and are currently on Mister Art for about $145.00. plus shipping.
right now there is one on ebay up to $127. plus with 10.70 postage. (9 hours left)

If anyone is interested I'd like to have $110.00 which includes priority shipping and some other mixed media/collage goodies that I can fit in the box- papers/images/other supplies, and who knows what else.
I have to dig the stuff up.
Let me know before I start listing again- hopefully tomorrow.

I also have a couple of sets of alphabet stamps and others- all not used.
pix later- after a shower and a rest if interested.

I know someone asked me about the arabic stamps I had but I can't remember who.

I'm such a flake sometimes.
fibro/cfids/white matter sucks!

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