An Extended Date

Oct 19, 2008 22:07

Rating: PG
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Yorkeses
Prompt: Summer Love
Notes: For the Lover100 challenge.
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: She's afraid he'll go off and forget her.

041: Summer Love

She sighed. Stared out the window and sighed again. Summer was three weeks away and she would be staying for summer classes and Dale would be going home.

He would go home and she would be at university and he’d forget about her. Find some other girl and just… not need her anymore.

She thought about crying, but he would be over soon, and crying never solved anything.

Almost as though her thoughts had called him, he knocked and pushed the door open without a pause. She didn’t quite hear him and didn’t turn around for a moment.

"Stacey," he called, leaned against the door, watched her.


She stood up and let him wrap his arms around her. Listened to his heartbeat. He kissed the top of her head. Then:

"What are you doing this summer?" he asked.

"Class. Advanced robotics and higher mechanics."

He blinked, stunned. "Ew."


"You get a break around midsummer, right?"


"Come and spend it with me."

She sighed and got ready to tell him she couldn’t afford to travel.

"No excuses. I’ll pay. Think of it as an extended date."

She bit her lip. "I’ll have to think about it."

He grinned, recognizing the code for ‘yes, yes, please, yes,’ and kissed her quietly, waiting patiently for her to say it.


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