Alien Abductions

Sep 30, 2008 03:10

Rating: R
Fandom: Marvel Universe
Characters: Hulkling/Galactus, implied one-sided Silver Surfer/Galactus
Warnings: "Sex"
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Teddy's been abducted.

"And you want me to what?"

Those were the exact words that landed Teddy at an audience with Galactus. Audience, read: ‘hold still and bite this.’

When the planet eater had found the time, and where he had found the resources to become such a good fuck was far beyond Teddy.

Galactus hadn’t even touched him. Just told him to bite down on the collar of his shirt, and Teddy had felt the wildest sensations coursing through his body.

He’d come at least three times before Galactus tired of him.

The Silver Surfer deposited him in his bed and informed him that he was not to speak of this to anyone, and if he tried it again, Norrin Radd would lose control of his own personage and rip his head off, as a friend, of course.

Teddy woke up the next morning and chalked it up to a very, very intense wet dream. Until breakfast.

"Where did you disappear to last night?" Billy asked, passing him a plate.

Oh, dear.

Thus commenced the most awkward evasion Teddy had ever plowed relentlessly through.


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