
Sep 30, 2008 03:08

Rating: R
Fandom: Marvel Comics
Characters: Black Widow/Deadpool
Warnings: Mentions of sex
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Several meetings of the Merc with a Mouth and the Black Widow.

They’d run into each other in a bar, the first time. She’d pumped him for information and left frustrated.

The second time, she met him in a park. She’d pumped him for information, and later, for other things, and left frustrated.

The third time a dark alley was where she met him. She’d pumped him for information, come very close to having sex with him, and left frustrated.

The last time she met him was on an airplane. She’d pumped him for information, fucked him in the bathroom, and made him promise to go out with her later.

Their arrangement was simple and to the point: Sex for sex, information for information, no money, no strings.

She made very much sure she never left frustrated again.


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