The Merits of Masochism

Sep 19, 2008 16:28

Rating: PG
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Wiccan, Hulkling
Notes: Fanfic100 prompt #68-Lightning
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.

068: Lightning

It had been an accident. He hadn’t meant to put his classmate in intensive care. He hadn’t meant to destroy his life. He hadn’t meant to shoot lightning from his fingertips.

But he had.

And every time he heard a storm coming, he slipped away from the rest of the world, afraid he would do the same thing again.

He’d been hit by lightning since the incident at school, and he could keep it under control pretty well, but he still hid.

A hand descended on his shoulder, bringing him to the realization that he was not alone in his corner of the world.

"Go away, Teddy."


"Why?" Billy demanded, jerking away from him. "Why do you insist on staying where I can hurt you?"

Teddy shrugged. "Masochism?"

They’d had this conversation a thousand times. Billy raised a hand to hit him and dropped hit, unable to follow through. He flopped down onto the floor and leaned against the wall.

Teddy sat down beside him and put an arm around him.

"Just let me be an idiot," he said.

"Fine, but if you regret it later, don’t come crying to me," Billy warned.

It was nice not to be alone, though.


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