old meme new meme red meme blue meme

Aug 12, 2010 23:44

MEME TIME! I was tagged by nuclearsugars. Also, I did this same meme back in April 09 and in December 09 and pretty much all the questions are different. Hilarious.

first: if you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.

second: tag eight sexy people. don't refuse to do that like a pansy. unless you really don't want to of course. and if you're not tagged and you want to do it, then do!
I choose you, pirategail, eraticschematic, often_adamanta, gnomenapper, hmsharmony, _____mx, lady_drace, blameitonmerlin

Favourite song right now?
I heard Sufjan Steven's Majesty Snowbird on shuffle on the train home and restarted it like 3 times after it ended. And it's 10 minutes long. So yeah. :D Have a youtube video.

Last movie you watched? Did you like it?
Inception! Yes, I liked it a lot! See my last post for more thoughts about it, haha.

Three things that are super-annoying at the moment:
1. We got shipment today and didn't even get to open any boxes because the price change we were doing took ALLLLL DAY. Peeling little price tags off of boxes became my life today.
2. I cannot read a book and knit at the same time, and this makes me very sad. Or fill out a meme and knit.
3. People spreading hate. What's with the hate? Stop it.

Three random facts about yourself:
1. I haven't gotten a haircut in over a year, but when I find split ends I will cut that single hair individually to get rid of the split. And that's why my hair looks not nearly as damaged as it probably should.
2. Sometimes I get so excited about fandom or happy stuff, that all the squee is literally excess energy and I have to flail (yes, I literally flail my arms around) or jump up and down or even go out for a walk to work off the squee energy.
3. I have an absolutely horrible memory, for names, faces, facts, EVERYTHING. But I love math and logic, because it isn't about memorizing, it all flows logically and you simply: understand. And anything I need that I don't remember I can just figure out from what I do.

What was your first ship?
Lol, omg it was Dominic Monaghan and Billy Boyd from LOTR RPS.

What posters do you want? What is a dream you've had recently?
I had a dream the other night that I made out with John Green (of the vlogbrothers, for those of you unfamiliar) and we talked about nostalgia and our feelings, and it was like the best emotional porn ever. And I know he's married, but about halfway through the dream I "remembered" that they were divorced, so thanks for that, subconscious.

Three things you wish you could be:
1. healthier
2. a little thicker-skinned, emotionally
3. British. :D (or a denizen, at least)

Top five words/phrases you use: This one was difficult, and probably not all that accurate.
2. dizzang
3. what the shit?
4. that's what she said
5. fucking hell

Two things you're excited for this year:

What's the colour of your toothbrush?
It's green.

Guiltiest fast food pleasure?
Does bubble tea count? Or Starbucks/other coffeeshop drinks.

What movie have you seen the most?
High Fidelity, probably. Anchorman and Mean Girls are close behind.

What never fails to make you smile?
Other people being passionate about the things they love. :D

If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you do?
I would pee outside, have sex with a girl and a dude, and pretty much not stop touching my penis. I mean, c'mon, a dude for one day, it's all about the penis. Social perceptions, blah blah, NO. It's about the penis. Because having a male body for a day would not make me a MAN, it would just give me a new body to play with.

Best way to relax?
Sleeping! Knitting is good, too, or riding in a train/car and just looking out the window.

Favourite quote/lyric of the moment. I'm having a really hard time with this one! Its hard to pick based on lyrics alone and not how the words sound with the melody. I'm such a melody girl.

Birds on the pillow
And paper lanterns hangin'
from the ceiling
Sticky stars aglow
Mappin' out some constellation
-Some Constellation, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin

What is your current desktop picture?
A collage of Merlin from BBC Merlin and Disney Sword in the Stone, made by glenien here: http://community.livejournal.com/threelayers/66220.html

Say something to the person who tagged you:
Sugars, you are probably too cool for me, but I'm glad that we're friends. :D

Now that that's over, I was going to do the new Merlin friending meme, but I'm too tired. And also I'm way late to the party, so probably there's no point now. That's one thing I hate about being on the west coast, it seems like by the time I get home from work, all the cool happenings on the internet are over, haha. Ok, that's probably ridiculous, but more than once I've seen someone's post about "thanks for all the responses to my last post" already posted before I've even seen the first post in question. And I see friend memes and they're already on page 4 of comments. I mean, I can look through other people's comments, but is there any point of posting a new one if no one is gonna go back that far? *sigh*
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