Re: Dust SpecterkingporkyAugust 7 2009, 07:13:12 UTC
The graves of Pokemon were moved to the Soul House at the south end of town. The Ghost Pokemon, seeing as how the tower was no longer a suitable place to live, left for other places. There were a few that remained in the tower, unknowingly to most of the people that worked there. One of them happened to be a Dusknoir, who had strayed far away from its region.
This Dusknoir was naturally inquisitive of human technology. It had an arguably unique personality and curiosity for what a good amount of Pokemon probably wouldn’t so bother to understand. While the tower was no longer a breeding ground for Ghost Pokemon, this didn’t matter to the Dusknoir. In fact, this Radio Tower was far more interesting.
Using the inherent powers that Dusknoir possessed, he connected the Radio Tower with his own frequency. Since then, at 3 AM in the morning on random channels, Dusknoir can be heard playing with this power. He soon came to truly believe that he was a true talk show host. As this power became greater, more and more channels were tuned into Netherworld Live. The rumors were confirmed as truth when the show started airing beyond 3 AM, such as during mornings or afternoons.
The pure strangeness of this show, with Dusknoir talking with other Pokemon, actual spirits, and himself, strangely drew in people. However, with authorities now fully aware of his existence, Dusknoir had no choice but to go on a “world tour”, taking his show into various other cities as he wanted.
Playing around with both radio AND television, Dusknoir, who preferred to be known by his television personality name, Dust Specter, traveled from city to city. This Ghost Pokemon has clearly made a name for himself…
What brings this person to Diamond City?: Diamond City happened to be the next stop on his “world tour”.
Misc. Notes: -Current Moveset: Will-o-Wisp Future Sight Shadow Sneak Shadow Punch -Amazingly, Dust has become somewhat of a celebrity, despite the fact that he IS a wanted criminal for illegally broadcasting his show… -Thus far, most of the cast on his show were spirits or other Ghost Pokemon and sometimes, even fictional characters he played himself. He doesn’t seem to really care as much, though...
Example Post: Haha, gooood afternoon, Diamond City! Welcome to the show! Or at least, welcome to my journal. The name’s Dust Specter, host of the hit television show, Netherworld Live! As some of you know, Diamond City’s the latest stop on my world tour and trust me, by now, you’d think you’ve seen it all.
But you’d be wrong! WRONG! I mean, this city has gone through A LOT. Invasion by egg-shaped dictators? Pig Men running around!? Floods!? A lizard attempting to steal the Chaos Emerald!? This city… Wow… This city is just… AB-SO-LUTELY CRAAAAAZY!!!
I can’t miss out on any of this action! I think I’d be the craziest to just skip it! HAH!
So, join me on my show! Netherworld Live is on Channel 666 and it only appears at 12 AM every Friday. At least, until I can figure out the media station’s frequency…!
Re: Dust SpectercubeyboobyAugust 7 2009, 18:46:31 UTC
This is a way cool character concept. The only thing that jumps out at me is how short the personality section is-- only three paragraphs? It's not a problem for me personally, I think you have his personality covered pretty well with that and the example post, but that's something that couldn't hurt to expand on.
Overall, I'd hand this an approval, but see what Cammi says.
I agree with Cubey here. Just include an add-on to your app with what kind of personal interactions we should be expecting between Dusty and others in this dafthole! You have a great app here otherwise!
This Dusknoir was naturally inquisitive of human technology. It had an arguably unique personality and curiosity for what a good amount of Pokemon probably wouldn’t so bother to understand. While the tower was no longer a breeding ground for Ghost Pokemon, this didn’t matter to the Dusknoir. In fact, this Radio Tower was far more interesting.
Using the inherent powers that Dusknoir possessed, he connected the Radio Tower with his own frequency. Since then, at 3 AM in the morning on random channels, Dusknoir can be heard playing with this power. He soon came to truly believe that he was a true talk show host. As this power became greater, more and more channels were tuned into Netherworld Live. The rumors were confirmed as truth when the show started airing beyond 3 AM, such as during mornings or afternoons.
The pure strangeness of this show, with Dusknoir talking with other Pokemon, actual spirits, and himself, strangely drew in people. However, with authorities now fully aware of his existence, Dusknoir had no choice but to go on a “world tour”, taking his show into various other cities as he wanted.
Playing around with both radio AND television, Dusknoir, who preferred to be known by his television personality name, Dust Specter, traveled from city to city. This Ghost Pokemon has clearly made a name for himself…
What brings this person to Diamond City?: Diamond City happened to be the next stop on his “world tour”.
Misc. Notes:
-Current Moveset:
Future Sight
Shadow Sneak
Shadow Punch
-Amazingly, Dust has become somewhat of a celebrity, despite the fact that he IS a wanted criminal for illegally broadcasting his show…
-Thus far, most of the cast on his show were spirits or other Ghost Pokemon and sometimes, even fictional characters he played himself. He doesn’t seem to really care as much, though...
Example Post:
Haha, gooood afternoon, Diamond City!
Welcome to the show! Or at least, welcome to my journal. The name’s Dust Specter, host of the hit television show, Netherworld Live!
As some of you know, Diamond City’s the latest stop on my world tour and trust me, by now, you’d think you’ve seen it all.
But you’d be wrong! WRONG!
I mean, this city has gone through A LOT. Invasion by egg-shaped dictators? Pig Men running around!? Floods!? A lizard attempting to steal the Chaos Emerald!?
This city… Wow… This city is just… AB-SO-LUTELY CRAAAAAZY!!!
I can’t miss out on any of this action! I think I’d be the craziest to just skip it! HAH!
So, join me on my show! Netherworld Live is on Channel 666 and it only appears at 12 AM every Friday. At least, until I can figure out the media station’s frequency…!
Overall, I'd hand this an approval, but see what Cammi says.
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