It sucks to be a New Englander today

Jan 22, 2007 16:20

*still bewildered*

I don't know what happened. We were winning....All Brady had to do was keep the drive going and run down the clock for a measly 2 minutes.

And I just... I don't really wanna talk about it.

But just one thing. I really hate Peyton Manning.

Someone post something or link me to something that'll cheer me up.

life sucks, peyton manning can go die, dreams shattered

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star_material January 22 2007, 21:58:40 UTC
Umm, I'm sorry? And I promise that if I ever meet this Manning person, I will slap him just for you. Seriously. *CRACK ACROSS THE FACE* That was for Elise, you fucktard!
I'll do it.

As for links? Well, until you have time for Supernatural, here is a link to a hilarious pic of them from the TCA panel - PREPARE TO FALL IN LOVE!

Also, most anything from here ( makes me giggle, but that may just be me. Ummm. Otherwise? I got nothing.

But I did book BOTH the auditions that I did this weekend, so that's sorta cool!


diamondrocker January 22 2007, 22:32:08 UTC
Thanks. Just to clarify, my football team, the NE Patriots, were in the AFC Divisional playoff game last night against the Indianapolis Colts. Whoever won this game went to the Superbowl.

My team didn't win.

And I am sad.

Should you ever come across Peyton Manning and do end up slapping him for me, I will love you forever! Not that I already don't, but ya know... it'll be forever x2. I won't bore you with my Manning Ranting, I'll just say that he seriously annoys me.

Now...OMG, how did I miss that Padackles pic for my spam????? Where was that hiding??? *lovez* And I didn't know John Mayer wanted to be a comedy writer. I scrolled and was highly entertained. Plus, he likes Corrine Bailey Rae, and I adore her.

And YAY! for booking those auditions!!! You are awesome. Do you mind me asking what they're for?

PS: did you see my VM: Welcome Wagon picspam? I'm a little weirded out that like, NOBODY from my f-list commented lol - and I know more than a few of them are VM fans. Bizarre


diamondrocker January 22 2007, 22:33:42 UTC
Oh, and to clarify my clarification, Peyton Manning is the QB for the Colts. Just in case that didn't click.


star_material January 23 2007, 00:02:05 UTC
Oh baby, I'm sorry your team lost. That blows. And I'd do anything to be loved by you x2 ( ... )


diamondrocker January 23 2007, 04:23:48 UTC
<----- My new favorite icon. it's being seriously over-used lol

Ok, well, I'm glad to know I didn't completely overlook another examply of Padackles photographic gold. The whole spam would have been a waste!

IS John Mayer still with Jessica Simpson? If I recall correctly, my exact reaction to the news of their initial coming together was "WHY JOHN WHY????".

Serious congrats on both roles you landed!! The second one sounds especially fab, and I KNOW you're gonna rock the grieving fiance. And the role's will TOTALLY beef up your audition reel. You'll have to keep me up to date on how shooting goes.

I wish I was over VM, but it got it's hold back on me late last season, and I just can't seem to let go. Damn Jason Fucking Dohring and Logan Echolls. If I was over it, it'd make it a hell of a lot easier for when it doesn't get renewed another season. S1 will always, in my mind, go down as one of the BEST seasons of television, EVER. And i've totally been pimping it out as such. Ugh, it's gonna suck with both The OC and VM going ( ... )


diamondrocker January 23 2007, 18:50:19 UTC
Srsly, those pictures=complete and total AWESOME. Cast pics are the freakin shit, especially when the cast acts all cracked out.

As for John.. just.. *shakes head* Yeah.

Dude seriously, when the OC ends, I will cry. There will be tears.
Unfortunately for me, I think it'll be beneficial to have a couple Kleenex on hand as well -- which is pathetic seeing as I only started watching it a third through THIS season. Yeah :/

Hopefully Supernatural will help dull the pain of the VM loss - though I will probably never get over Logan Echolls, but this:

Because as much as we love the Obligatory Sarcastic Jackass/Woobie? Dean Winchester is just as woobie, a BETTER actor, even MORE badass AND there are guns.

I'm gonna have to disagree with. Even though I've never seen Ackles act...which hold on, maybe I might have, in a movie or something... anyway, I'd have to disagree that he's better than Jason Fucking Dohring. To me, JFDoh is seriously freakin great, and he has the potential to be SO much better. He can do the snark, the heartbreak ( ... )


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