I was told upon coming into work today that our company would be offering to send us to one of the states we recently aquired a contract in. Specifically, Oregon. It would be for one or possibly several weeks in Oregon. Essentially, we would be training some of the retailers on the newer technologies and terminals that are being initiated in the next few months.
I have a cousin who lives out in Oregon who I have not seen in years. It would be great to see him. I think I am going to be in Vegas around the time that this will be happening, unfortunately. So, kind of disappointing that I wont be able to take them up on this offer. Oh well.
I'm kind of torn. I thought that the Piebald shows I am going to were last weekend, and that I would be able to see Rustic Overtones play a reunion tour this friday in Providence. I am definitely excited to see Piebalds last couple farewell shows at the Middle East. Coincidentally, the last time I saw Piebald at the Middle East club was
on St. Patricks day 4 years ago. The concert was amazing. My car got towed, and I had a final exam the next morning. Ah, memories. The pictures I took were from
my really old 2 Megapixel Olympus camera.
Wow, the quality is so bad looking back on those. It makes my Canon Powershot look like a million dollar camera. I am looking forward to heading up to Boston with Corey today. Its so refreshing to have a weekend off after such a long time without one.