Sep 10, 2006 21:06
What the hell kind of person to people think I am? I am not some door mat to be walked all over and used to do whatever they want. I mush better than that. I am much better than most of the shit that has happened to me. This sucks so bad. Well sorry but I don't do that kind of shit. Rob was another story. I loved him and he loved me and it was ok I was comfortable and it was mutual, we wanted it and it was good. We moved slowly and happily. He never ever forced me to do shit I didn't want to or got mad at me when I wouldn't do something (eventhough I never denied him). But this asshole. What is this shit. I am sooo shocked. This is not supposed to happen to me. I am a good person and I deserve good people in my life. Not fucking scummy assholes who just want to use me and then be done with me. No matter what anyone thinks of me, I am not that kind of girl and I never will be so fuck that.