Lost 6.7 - "Dr. Linus"

Mar 09, 2010 21:00

We'll, we're back on Craphole Island for another week, and this week's focus was on everyone's favorite island sociopath... Benjamin Linus. Ben hasn't been his true self since he got the emotional beatdown from Jacob and the Man in Black inside the foot. Never underestimate Benjamin Linus, though. You never know what the end game scenario will be with this character, and that's the great thing about him. Of all the characters introduced after the plane crash, he's by far been the best as he's played just an incredible, manipulative antagonist.

The episode opened up with Ben, terrified from the carnage at the Temple, running away and ending up running into Illana's team. Like Richard, seeing Ben absolutely terrified is hilarious. Things got worse for Ben as Miles dropped the little secret about Ben offing Jacob to everyone, and Illana let it out that Jacob was basically her father (But no idea how they are going to explain it). It was nice seeing them return to the beach camp, though, and it's apparent that the producers are going back to the staple locations of the past (Remember Hurley and Jack going back to the caves). Ben's conversation with Lapidus about him being the original pilot for 815 was great.

Illana did reveal to Sun the whole "candidate" thing and continued the confusion about the last name Kwon. The fact that no one is bringing up their daughter all but confirms to me that she is the Kwon listed since Jacob touched both Jin and Sun. I honestly think this is part of the long con Jacob is playing. Sad thing for Ben is that after Illana got done talking about that, she went off the reservation and started forcing Ben to dig his own grave for Jacob's murder. Ben's conversation with Miles gave some good bits of information, especially about Jacob still having hope in Ben up until the murder. Still, Miles had to go and bring up Nikki and Paolo. Rats. He was then given his temptation by Flocke and had a heart to heart with Illana where he gave his reasoning for killing Jacob: anger over Alex's death.

Elsewhere on the island, Jack and Hurley ran into a still shaken Richard Alpert (Two weeks people... two weeks till we get his story). And low and behold, Alpert brought Jack and Hurley to the Black Rock. Richard confirmed his time on the Black Rock, and the notches on the wall by the shackles should confirm that Richard was a slave. Richard then confirmed that those touched by Jacob cannot die by their own hand (Which is why Jack couldn't kill himself way back when). As a result, Richard spilled the beans about his life not meaning anything. The scene was a great set-up for his episode coming up as we will find out why Richard cut the deal with Jacob (Think of the deal Dogen cut with Jacob). Seeing Jack as a man of faith in his dynamite show-down with Richard was something else.

Ben's sideways existence opened with a cryptic lesson on Napolean's exile (Fitting for Ben's character, as he's been stripped of his power). Seems like Dr. Linus isn't having the best time being a teacher, especially when he has to put up with the likes of Dr. Artz. Of course, the "substitute", John Locke, was in the room and did a great role reversal as he's the one challenging Ben... not the other way around. Ben's sideways existence took a turn for the more pathetic as it turns out he's taking care of his sickly father... you know... the one that didn't care for him in the other reality. His dad dropped a huge reveal in that DHARMA existed in the sideways reality, and that Ben and his father LEFT THE ISLAND! Things got even better when Alex returned... this time as one of Ben's students. Alex continued to challenge off-island Ben in terms of using information against the principal that Ben hates. Low and behold, though, Ben couldn't resist the urge and got Artz to help him try and bring down the principal. Just like Sayid will always be bad... Ben will always be a calculating and manipulative person... unless Alex is involved. Ben finally got to "save" her.

The episode ending with Hurley, Jack, and Richard returning to the beach was a nice call back to a lot of the reunions that happened there... until Widmore popped up!

Line of the night: "How different would it have been? The island still got you in the end." Hurley's line about Artz, though, was a close second.

Another fantastic episode... next week it's Sawyer's turn.
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