Lost 6.6 - Sundown

Mar 02, 2010 21:02

Well, we're back on Craphole Island (As am I after taking a week off and apparently disappointing a lot of you... my apologies again) for the week, and tonight brought us a episode featuring everyone's favorite torturer turned international man of mystery/assassin... Sayid.

We opened straight in Sayid's flash-sideways as we got reintroduced to Nadiya, who apparently is Sayid's sister-in-law in this reality due to his past in Iraq. Turns out Sayid still has feelings for Nadiya, though, and of course this complicates things... as it always does. The other complications deal with the fact that Sayid's brother wants Sayid to, ummm... convince some loan sharks not to extort his brother. Sayid refuses, of course, to hammer home the fact that he's changed in this storyline. Well, Sayid's decision caused his brother to end up in the hospital... Jack's hospital of course (And I'd be willing to bet his niece and nephew go to Locke and Ben's school as well). Seeing Keamy as the money man was a pleasant surprise as his character was one of the most unlikable ones in the show's history. Seeing him get his pseudo-pay-back for the death of Alex was fitting as well. And then what the heck... Jin is in the freezer!?

Back in "2007", Sayid immediately went to Dogen for some answers (Haha... that's rich) in regards to his "examination". Dogen did come out with some information regarding a key theme in Lost - the balance of good and evil in people. Dogen then responnded by starting one of the more epic fights, this side of Sawyer and Jack, with Sayid. Then we saw Dogen get all Benjamin Sisko in regards to his fallen baseball. Miles did drop a pretty decent reveal in that The Others did not resurrect Sayid.

The other storyline on the island dealt with Fake Locke's disciple, Crazy Claire, in their mission to take down the Temple of Doom. Dogen did shed some light on the fact that The Man in Black has been freed due to Jacob's death... and how he's "evil incarnate". He also confirmed that the Man in Black can only take the form of the dead. So Sayid got his marching orders to take down The Man in Black/Fake Locke, and well... his sudden knife to chest just didn't seem to work. Fake Locke did continue his temptation of the castaways, and dangled the prospect of Nadia in front of Sayid. Sayid's message was continued temptation, especially in regards to Cindy and the kids.

Dogen's backstory was unexpected... well, not the Jacob part tempting Dogen to the island in an effort to save his son. Sayid killing him wasn't unexpected either. Remember people - Sayid is always capable of bad things. Always.

The assault on the Temple was pretty good, but it was even better to see Team Illana make their assault on the Temple as well. The look on Ben's face after seeing Sayid... priceless. I'm pretty certain Team Locke could destroy Team Edward or Team Jacob.

Line of the night: "I stabbed him in the chest like you told me to... then I let him talk to me."

Next week... it's a Ben episode, and we'll be only two weeks away to 6.9
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