We have a work contact called Antigone. To have her discussed is always to prompt me wondering why you would name a child
Antigone; people will always mis-pronounce it as though playing peekaboo with a disappearing aunty, and there are, er, notable classical connotations. (Is her brother also her dad? How can I ask?)
Was musing that, of all possible girl's names,
Medea would probably be the worst. You have the most to live up to, if you're named after a vengeful child-murdering witch. ("Oh Jason, can you give this top to your new girlfriend? Thanks duck. Don't worry about the kids tonight...")
Didn't realise she had lent her name to a booze company. Or that their Medea vodka would pop up in my Friendslist because of their programmable
scrolling LED labels. As though that's their most intriguing selling point...