The neverending questions meme

Nov 20, 2009 19:09


[1] What hair color would you like to have?
Shawn number 5. My hair color is the perfect shade of perfectionism.

[2] What is your middle name?

[3] What is your current relationship status?
The 'having a toothbrush and a drawer for your own clothes at each others place' stage.

[4] What makes you happy?
Dude, so many things! Black Cherry Vanilla Coke. Being always right. Air conditioners in stores. Clothes softeners. Guitar Hero. Guitar Hero 2. The look on my father's face when he realizes that he created a little handsome monster that totally pwned him on his own game. The L Word. My girl. My girl on a wet t-shirt. Guitar Hero 3.

[5] What is your current mood?
I would say cynical with a strike of adorable, but the emoticon for that mood is not cute at all. So I'm going to go with enthralled, because I'm loving the expanding cartooney eyes.

[6] What color underwear are you wearing?

[7] What is your eye color?
Emerald green hazel-ish. It depends on the light really.

[8] What song is stuck in your head?
"I Know You Want Me" by Pitbull.

[9] What are you eating/drinking at the moment?
The snack of champions. Doritos.

[10] What color are your bed sheets?
Stripped blue.

[11] What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
Sorry, my Mom forbids me to give that info away. I'll tell you what, they're something between 0 and 9.

[12] What is the most important part of your life?
That it's my life? I mean, I'm the star in it for a reason!

[13] What always makes you feel better when you’re upset?
Thinking of raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Or remembering I don't have Ray's naked scalp. I'm sorry buddy, but it's true. You've been quite helpful in tough times.

[14] What should you be doing?
Listening to Gus bitch about how I'm supposed to check my emails or something. Work?

[15] What is the wallpaper on your cell phone?
A photo of me, Gus and Abigail.

[16] What were you doing at 8 a.m. this morning?
Skating with skeletons and Maria Bello or having an average normal dream of that sort.

[17] What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
I was text-singing with dear Juliet. Or trying to. I guess she just doesn't remember the lyrics of Supercalifragilisticoespialidocious.

[18] What is the best ice cream flavor?
Jamaican Me Crazy.

[19} What are you wearing right now?
Is the meme hitting on me? I'll bite, meme. I'm in my boxers and covered in whipped cream, just for you.

[20] What is your birthstone?
The Yabba-Dabba-Do Stone.


[21] Where is your profile picture taken?
The office's bathroom.

[22] Where are you right now?
In bed, in my underwear. Do you wanna know if I'm caressing myself too? Because I am. And my knee feels so smooth...

[23] Where is your favorite vacation spot?
Anywhere I've never been before.

[24] Where is one place you want to visit before you die?
Shawn will definitely go Hawaiian in his future, you can bet your Momma's house on that.

[25] Where were you born?
Santa Barbara.


[26] Do you act differently around your crush?
Nope. I'm my natural charming self.

[27] Do you speak any other language?
Uno poco.

[28] Do you still watch kiddy tv shows?
Define "kiddy".

[29] Do you like to travel by plane?
Sure! Who doesn't like to be looked after by a cute air waitress?

[30] Do you know the muffin man?
I thought I did, but he hasn't called back yet. :(

[31] Do you hate anyone right now?
No? I highly dislike, but that's my hate powers at it's tops.

[32] Do you ever wish you were someone else?
Whoever invented the phrase "I'm ridiculously and filthy rich".

[33] Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?
Pretty much everyday.

[34] Do you celebrate your half-birthday?
And my unbirthday too.

[35] Do you think you are a good person?
I don't think it, I know I am.

[36] Do you have a tan line?
The g-string one. I need to remember to sunbath in the nude.

[37] Do you eat healthy?
Some Sundays, when I don't have lunch with Dad. Or when Taco Bell is closed. Or Pepolino's. And when I have nothing in the fridge or a Microwave meal. Or Lassie's ran out of peanut butter.

[38] Do you like someone right now?
That's a very long list that would alphabetically start somewhere close to Angelina Jolie. So, let's sum it up and say my girl.

[39] Do you have a dog?
Yeah, Lassie and I are co-parenting this adorable dog named Firefox.

[40] Do you have plans tonight?
"Chances Are" is on tv tonight.

[41] Do you have any friends on facebook that you actually hate?
What's with the hate, meme? No, I don't hate!

[42] Do you miss your past?
Nope, we have lunch together every Sunday.

[43] Do you want children?
I'm not holding my breath...

[44] Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?

[45] Do you try to blend in with the crowd, or prefer to stand out?
I'm incapable of blending in the crowd. Standing out is in my genes, but unluckily it tends to skip most generations.

[46] Do you have any old calendars in your room?
One from the 70s, with civil war pictures. It belonged to the old owners of my apartment or something.

[47] Do you miss anyone?
The man in the mirror, dude. "This Is It" was truly EPIC.

[48] Do you play an instrument?
Guitar, a little trombone and maracas. :D

[49] Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot?
Maybe? :D :D :D

[50] Do you like the snow?
Only when it's not yellow.

[51] Do you need to pee?
I do now.

[52] Do you believe exes can be friends?
As long as you're sure they're not holding a murderous grudge, sure.

[53] Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
Chocolate milk. Chocolate makes everything better.

[54] Do you get nervous in front of crowds?
Like a trembling leaf being bullyed by Autumn.

[55] Do you get good grades?
I get golden stars at everything I do.


[56] If you must be an animal for one day, what would you be?
One of those incredibly cute and fluffy cats that are irresistible and all the girls NEED to hug and cuddle.

[57] If you could have 3 superpowers what would they be?
I would like the power of flying on my motorcycle, the power to materialize food out of nowhere and the power to have phenomenal cosmic powers without being trapped in a magic lamp or something tricky of that sort.

[58] If you could cheat on a test, would you?
Sure. Studying is for neeeeerds.

[59] If you could have one wish, what would it be for?
To get more wishes. Behold my cleverness.

[60] If you could go back in time and change the past, would you?
Not really. I'm afraid of ending up being my own grandfather.


[61] Have you ever had a near death experience?
Not even a month ago.

[62] Have you ever fired a gun?
I learned when I was a teenager.

[63] Have you ever had your heart broken?
A couple of times.

[64] Have you ever been out of the country?
Several times.

[65] Have you ever done something outrageously dumb?
All the time, according my Dad. Or Lassie. Or Gus. Sometimes Jules too. Or Abigail. And the girl at Burger Zone.

[66] Have you felt sad in the past week?
I was mildly sad when the Chief interrupted one of my naps. I recovered when she told me I was getting paid for a case.

[67] Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend?
Several times, but I've learned to forgive. I'm extremely nice, that's all.

[68] Have you ever dated someone younger than you?
Sure! Legally, of course.

[69] Have you ever completely flunked a test?
On a couple of occasions.

[70] Have you ever gotten a detention?
I did, all the time. I even got myself 18 detentions while being in detention one Saturday.


[71] Why did you get a facebook page?
Because facebook pointed me with his gun and forced me to make one.

[72] Why did your parents give you the name you have?
Because Shawn with a W looks much better than Sean without the W and the H. That's what I like to think.

[73] Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
Hopefully we'll do a little more than just talk.

[74] Are you any good at math?
I've got a PhD in Magic Math-ing.

[75] Name someone with the same birthday as you?
Bill Pullman and this girl that works at the gas station.

[76] Name someone who made you smile today?
Lassie and his midget thief theory.

[77] Name something you don’t leave the house without?

[78] Name the person that you have been friends with the longest?
Gus. You didn't saw that one coming, did you?

[79] Is anyone jealous of you?
The 76% of the male population and the 42% of the female one.

[80] Does the future scare you?
Not at all, I embrace what's yet to come. Like a prophetic kitten waiting to play with a ball made with destiny's string.

[81] Does your crush like you back?
Possessively, yes.

[82] How did you get one of your scars?
I've been through couple of surgeries in the past.

[83] Are you a morning person or a night person?
I'm an "all times" person, just not a "between 7 am and 11 am" person.

[84] Is your phone close to you?
His surname is not Spencer, but we see each other everyday. I guess we're pretty close.

[85] Can you curl your tongue?
I do. It looks like a little pink bow.


[86] Movie you watched?
"The Crush".

[87] Person you hugged?
My dear buddy Buzz.

[88] Person you talked to on the phone?

[89] Person you texted?

[90] Person you kissed?
G- Oh, wait! I see what you did there, meme... That would be Abigail.

[91] Person you sent a comment/message on facebook.
This really nice brit chick.

[92] Song you listened to?
Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself by The Killers.

[93] Time you cried?
Can't remember. ...Might have wept a little when the Marx brothers put a hole on my shoulder. It hurt really bad, okay??

[94] Time you were on a plane?
Three months ago when I went to Canada, where I captured an international art thief. Just so you guys know.

[95] Person you said “I love you” to?
A bowl of M&M's counts?

[96] Place you went out to eat?
Red Robin.

[97] Person who worried about you?
Almost everybody I know back when I was kidnapped.

[98] Time you were told you were beautiful/handsome/good looking?
This afternoon. :D <------ Does this emoticon look smug? Because I am.

[99] Time you were sick?
Last winter.

[100] Thing you drank?
Grape-licious juice.

[101] Thing you ate?
Caribbean surprise chicken.

meme, bored out of my mind

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