Nov 03, 2008 15:19
I was under a lot of stress at work. Working in class for my upgrade/promotion, and I was hired under a different and weird agreement with the union that the company could hire us but if we didn’t get our promotion within a set time, we could lose our jobs.
I hadn’t been doing all that well in class. Dealing with my son (who’s failing all but 2 classes currently) and fighting with him to get into bed by 9 pm caused me to get less sleep, and I don’t know why, but I keep waking up at 3 am and being unable to get back to sleep. So I’d finally get into bed at 10 or so, then wake up at 3 am, finally get up at 4:30 for work, then sit in class for 8 hrs. Thanks to how dry the instructors were (and the lack of good sleep), I’d start dozing off, even with coffee, almost immediately.
My grades started suffering quickly, I even failed tests (which I never used to do), and I know I can only take part of the blame. When you train on concepts but test on trivia, plus write the test questions in screwed up ways, it’s kind of difficult to pass those tests, even while paying attention.
Well, as far as I knew, I was about to be standing outside the gate looking in. The company had decided about 2 weeks before I knew, that myself and 4 thers were going to be removed from class, instead of “failing out”, then I’d be rolled back into the next highest classification.
So I took a $4 an hour pay cut rather than being out of a job.
That was the last 2 months, almost, of my life in a nutshell… but then it got better for a while. I get back to the other classification, I now have to bust my rump to try and get qualified that classification. Now it’s outage time, where we have 1 unit down to do work on it and everyone is also busting tail trying to get the jobs done.
Then Thursday I get a call telling me my great aunt, the woman who was as much my grandmother as my real one was, finally lost her battle to cancer that she’d been fighting for several months.
On top of this, her younger son had come down with colon cancer and everyone had decided to keep that info from her since they were trying to keep her spirits up and not get her down. Well, my dad messed up and accidentally told her.
This caused a big blowup between him and her oldest son, 2 men who’d been closer than brothers all their lives. It was to the point my dad had gone all emo saying that “he’d lost family with that phone call”.
I’ve been trying to repair that rift, dealing with trying to get qualified at work, and had helped it get repaired mostly when my great aunt passed this past Thursday. My dad had everything work out and was going to go to the funeral that was today, then ends up getting the front of his car almost ripped off in a walmart parking lot… so he had to cancel those plans…
So, how’s your life been?