Jan 03, 2013 12:21
happy new year! it's a bit belated, admittedly, but we're still working off a pay-as-you-go dongle for internet, and it depresses me to type anything of any length on my phone. but i need to order some superglue, so thought i'd make the most of my internet rations :o)
we had a lovely first christmas together as a little family. we hosted both sets of parents, which was quite tiring, but less disruptive for freddie than to try and get him to two different places within a day. steve made a lovely dinner, which was only slightly delayed due to the cooking instructions on the turkey lying to him. we still have lots of treats left over, which we're trying not to eat all at once (the minstrels i'm currently eating notwithstanding).
we've had a lot of visits and visiting over christmas - apart from our parents we've seen my grandma, brother and family, aunts and uncles, friends, etc, so we've been quite busy. we've set aside three days now to be completely anti-social and just be together, although steve is back at work at night now. he's just applied for a post that would be essentially the same job, but not agency, so he'd get paid for holidays, etc - it would be nice if he could get it, i think it would be good for his self esteem. he's also going to try to get in with a couple of agencies locally, as he's now doing a 40-mile round trip to work, which is quite substantial in the middle of the night (not to mention paying for the petrol!).
i'm feeling very lazy at the moment - there's still stuff to be done on the house, but as i go back to work in three weeks i want to make the most of the time off. luckily i'll be mostly working from home again.
today's task is to find places for some of freddie's christmas presents - no easy task - we SO need a bigger house...