Sep 18, 2012 10:52
i have turned into a stomping, wadding, puffy-foot-and-handed dinosaur - it is official.
the good news is the bud has turned - he's head down, and reasonably well down, so it looks like he's getting ready for the big day. the slight complicating issue is that he, too, is the size of a small dinosaur. he's got long legs, and is a chubby little thing to boot, if yesterday's measurements are anything to go by.
i spent yesterday evening quite worried, but overnight that seems to have turned into being generally p!$$ed at the doctor i saw, who really wasn't very user-friendly. he kept banging on about risks, but not offering any useful advice or solutions, as well as keeping on about diabetes (which i don't have - all the tests have come back normal, although i did agree to another one yesterday) and BIH, which i haven't had in seven years. when asked he said that there would be risks with an elective caesarean, so it would be better to go for a natural labour to start with, and go for an emergency caesarean if necessary... although there would be more risks with an emergency caesarean. also, as he's big, there's a higher risk of shoulder distocia, etc.... really not very encouraging or helpful.
so i rang the midwives this morning, and i'm going to see them on thursday to discuss options. tbh at the moment i think i am leaning towards an elective caesarean - i know there are risks, but at least we'd all know what was happening in advance, especially if he is a bruiser. will keep you updated.
in other news, i'm still working, and will be until the end of next week, unless bud decides to take matters into his own hands in the meantime. things are moving on with the house - we have had quotes for the work we need doing, so we're just waiting for the solicitors to pull the paperwork together, and we're hoping we can sign the paperwork sometime this week. after that we need to get organised - damp proofing, rewire, new kitchen, re-decorate, move house... oh, i do love my excellent sense of timing!
to be added to my "have read" list:
Dance Dance Dance - Haruki Murakami
Mr Weston's Good Wine - T F Powys
Only My Dreams - Anna Blundy