Brick walls are not to be spoken to

Apr 03, 2008 03:06

My mother is a brick wall. Tall and impenetrable by logic and fact. It never fucking fails. No matter how often I tell her if she wants to have a good time with me not to bring up politics, she does it anyway. With most people I do not mind talking about politics, but my mom is such a fucking moron about what is actually going on in the world it makes my everything bleed from their everything. This past week I went to my moms and spent a couple days and as I mentioned, she had to bring up that Democrats are the people of this country that are destroying the "Moral Fiber" of society.

(Sigh) Taking a deep breath I went into length about how all these Republicans and Republican hardliners are getting caught with their pants down, sometimes literally. Now my mother has the same issues with remembering names as I do so getting into this she claims that it is the Democrats that are getting busted constantly and that the Republicans are the better for it. And of course the whole Cigar in the Ass thing was brought up yet again.

So I branched the conversation and brought it to the fact that most all politicians are corrupt in one manner or another since most come from very privilaged families, they are used to getting everything that they want and are constantly pushing the envelope. Much like a teenager would. The thing at this point I tell her is, that even if the Democrats were getting busted as often as the Republicans it is with the opposite sex (Dems) instead of the the same sex (Reps). Now before you get your panties all up in a bunch the only reason I say this is because this makes the Reps more morally bankrupt than their Dem counterparts in my opinion simply because they all claim to hate gays (cause god says it is wrong), but cant help themselves when tempted by that hot male bod of the boy they saw in the public bathroom. I could give a shit less in any instance if they would simply admit to what they want/like/desire and move the fuck on. It also helps my argument with her because as much as she was the one who raised me and taught me many of my values, she is easily swayed and now thinks in a way I never would have expected 10 years ago. We can thank the fucking piece of shit she is with right now for that.

She claims that she watches the news all the time and that all news is Dem bias except for Fox. Which she still claims tells the whole truth. I told her that she should not completely believe anything she hears on any single news station, and try to keep an open mind and pay attention to what others are saying, not just Fox. This of course was to no avail. Fox could tell here that I was a fucking terrorist and that would probably be the only time she would think that they must be wrong. Every time I make headway with her she gets pulled back by that fuck head Tim. At least she watches some CNN. Not that they are the most reliable either, but if it came to a choice of which one to believe under conflicting info, it is obvious which one I would go with. She of course tells me she would believe fox over CNN. This just gets to me on so many different levels. The guy is not even all that good to her, but I will not get into that right now.

I do not even know what I want to get through on this except to vent.

Every bit of proof or logic could be presented to her and she still thinks the sky is rosy red. Then of course she has to tell me that some day I will turn republican simply because it is the better choice to her. Fuck you mom, never going to happen.
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