Aug 10, 2003 15:42
I'm happy. I getted to see my Kendall the other day and two other people Namely Amber and Zuko... But most Importantly Kendall with a Zuko in close second... Sorry Amber I no get to see her no more she's kinda important.. so Yeah I prolly not get to see Zuko no more... :(...
I go be sad now... wait I may get to see her one more time she just called me... I'm not sad no more...
But anywayz.... I had to go help my Uncle down at the races yesterday... well up. it was near GB... we did alright... at first He compressed a Radiator hose.. which is a very bad thing.... Causes over-heating like all hell..... was running 270 and boiled off 3\4 of the water in his radiator... bad bad bad.. But we ended up in 6th which ain't so bad... then I spent night there again... GRRRRR wanted to come home and Talka my Kendall.... GRRRRRR
But it's ok I guess I don't get to talka her everyday apparently...
But I'm in a good mood I get to go see a concert tonight.. so I should be in good mood after that again.. hmmm... tricksy thing is where to go to sleep.... hmmm,...... I'll figure it out before it happens hopefully...
*you hear a crack in the distance*
*you see a Flash*
*poof he's gone in a cloud of smoke and confusion*
*His voice rings out from nowhere*
*"good bye all, I shall return soon"*
*The now elusive White tiger one*